[OOC] Stats/Permissions

Jun 30, 2009 20:08

GENERAL STATSName: Nico di Angelo
Age: Technically 70+, physically 12. He looks (and acts) a bit older than he is, however. (Hence me going for a PB that looks a bit too old rather than one who's too young).
Height: 5'2" (tall for a twelve-year-old boy)
Weight: 90 lbs (skinny as all hell; the boy needs a sandwich or three)

Medical Info: Healthy! Probably a few small scars from fighting monsters, but they're quite small overall. Getting healed by nectar and ambrosia is pretty awesome.
Eyes: Dark brown, very intense.
Hair: Black.
Physical traits: As a demigod, Nico can take a lot more punishment than an ordinary human kid. ... unfortunately, monsters also tend to deal out a ton of damage too, so it tends to balance out. He's a bit fragile for a demigod, however. Using his powers drains him a helluva lot, plus he's super-skinny and still pretty small in the grand scheme of things.
4th Walling: ...is fine with me personally, as long as the rest of the cast doesn't mind.
Abilities: C&C: Check his app! Besides his demi-godhood, he can manipulate rock and teleport via shadow-walking. His more overt death powers (like commanding/summoning the dead) are currently locked down due to the fact that C&C lacks an afterlife, but he's still got a mild affinity for dead things, and (probably) vice versa. Feel free to pick up on the fact that he's Hades' kid, especially over the comm; it's canon that using communication technology makes demigods a helluva lot more noticeable. CFUD: All of his canon powers are intact and fully active. Also, his death pings are strong; those sensitive to auras/souls/whatever can probably feel him from halfway across Camp.
Notes for the Psychics: His brain is pre-wired for combat reflexes and Ancient Greek; this results in him being mildly ADHD and dyslexic, respectively. Otherwise, he's a very intense little guy. Once he zeroes in on something he wants, neither hell nor high water is gonna stand in his way.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: C&C:... if we ever run a crack plot like that, sure! CFUD: yyyyy of course.
Maim/Murder/Death: Talk to me! He's a demigod in a series that seriously doesn't pull its punches re: injury and death, so it's thematically appropriate to involve him in srs consequences. Buuuut he's still twelve. So I'm still gonna draw the line at PG-13 violence, at least in terms of what happens on-screen. Sexual violence is definitely out. Don't do horribly disturbing things to the tiny demigod, okay. :(
Cooking: I don't think summoning ghosts with happy meals and soda counts. He might have learned some cooking from the ghost of Chef Boyardee.

info, cfud, cnc, ooc

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