May 26, 2008 03:20

(Same post as in Blogspot)

Honestly speaking, today was my first time, EVER, liking a Malaysian Reality Show.


GANG STARZ! @ Geng Starz

Even the name itself is lame! But no worries, its a show with high-quality performance! I was so absorbed in it but disturbed for a lot of times due to Nini. Wah. I can't believe it myself. I'm actually planning to follow the whole series. Haha.

Venue : Auditorium, MBSA. (3rd floor)

Time : 9 - 10:30 p.m. (but I went home at 11 p.m.! haha.)

Who went? : Me, Najwa, Kikot, Nini.


I did tell you guys that we got our tickets from Jeli, (3.5). Today, they sang a song from the movie 'Wondergirls'. Erk, the Beyonce movie, I think. It was titled "One Night Only". I was so amazed with the three of them, Steph, Jeli and Sharra. They sang like A DIVA! With that dark cloaks on, they looked like a stunning vampire and after they took it off, all of them looked like a greek goddess! ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS!

(courtesy of TV3)


Country: Philippines
Genre: Pop, RnB
Expect to see: Great style, total package, Open-mindedness, Girl-power!
Story so far: They maintained the "3.5"in their name in honor of their other original fourth member Pow who the judges felt to be an odd mixture in the group. However, Pow told them that “failing in NOT an option” which they use as their motto, and so they charge on. Extremely focused and dedicated to their craft, they also believe themselves to have great stage presence.

Me, Nini and Iqa received a hug from each and every one of them. THEY REMEMBERED OUR NAMES FROM YESTERDAY! Haha. Nini was too enthusiastic by hugging her three times. (I was like 'WTF') But Jeli just smiled and hugged her back. LOL. LOL. LOL. Ahhh, and Steph's daughter was so cute! and she has a super hunky husband too!


This group is called Paragon Child. Err. Not sure what that means. Yeah, and here are their details.

(courtesy of tv3)


Country: Philippines
Genre: RnB, Variety, Pop
Expect to see: Great variety, unique interpretations of songs, individuality and fun!
Story so far: Paragon is actually derived from the name of a talent management company which alerted them to the Gang Starz auditions. They have been practicing very hard back in Philippines and have even been working out ar the gym! They can’t wait to prove themselves to the Malaysian public and wow them with their vocal talent.

I hugged Julz @ Julius. Same goes to me, Nini and Iqa. Najwa didn't join our group hug. LOL. Kak Ani kept on saying haram, haram, haram on the phone, laughing. :p I have no idea what the hell they were singing. It was a song by Faizal Tahir's all-time favourite band. At first, I thought that they were Indonesian, but their BM was wayyyy off. So, after I browsed all over TV3 webbie, then I found out that they're as-a-matter-of-fact, Phillippines.


My third favourite group would be the 3 Voices. They're from Indonesia. All of them are 19 years-olds. (Not sure). They have gorgeous legs! and yesterday, they wore leggings from top to toe with their Holink t-shirts on. Wow, super sexy and if I was a sex maniac, I'll jump straight at them. (Careful girls). They sang 'If Tomorrow Never Comes' and an Indonesian song. I think it was a Sheila On 7 song. I swore that one of them looked like a bitch to my eyes but their smiles were mesmerizing. Heck, even a guy was dumbstruck by their beauty and stared at them when they lift their eyes at him.

*roll eyes*


and some other groups. Lame! I don't particularly care about them since, my purpose for coming there at the first place was to give my cheerings for 3.5! HOORAH 3.5!! I love you guys forever!!!

*Jeli, Jeli, JELI!!!*

We, too . . ( I meant, me, Iqa and Nini) hugged Rio from D'Raz, HE IS SUCH A HUNKY DUDE! Reminds me of a certain someone. He was so sweet and smiled at me. I chit-chatted with him and we hugged. :D Another a++.

and pictures for swoonings. Enjoy people.


**eliminated. i was laughing at the back**

I'm not a cold-hearted person, but I didn't cry or feel anything when some group was eliminated. (Faith, was it?) and Step's boys were crying and hugging each other after they were given a second chance to prove themselves. I was sure that it was because of that pretty boy in the group. Thank your fangirls, baby.

Other groups:-

Brown Tone
One Nation Emcees
South Trio

There would be no concerts next week. There'll be another one in the week after next though. Not sure whether I'm going. Steph asked for my number just now but I didn't hear her. She told me to make sure to take the tickets from them the day before the concert during their rehearsal. Steph and Jeli told us, (me), that they did well because of us. Awwwwwwwwwwww, how sweet of her to say that! :D

*still couldn't believe myself getting obsessed with them*

Yay, 3.5!!


Other than that, I saw Harith Iskandar, Ajai, Shafinaz, some afro dude, that Geng Starz's boss who was mean to everyone, Fazley, Alif Aziz, Ahli Fiqir (who performed a song. I took their pictures but nah, I won't put it here) Fara Fauzana's outfit was a massacre and Faizal's was okay. He was making fun of One Nation Emcees to make sure that they zipped their pants. Of course he experienced the 3-months torment for not doing any shows for showing his upper half. Lol. Good for him. Faizal can even laugh about it now.

Later, Mummy sent Najwa home and we drove up to McD. Starved like dogs, Iqa and Nini rushed inside. Since Mummy needed to see Pak Uda before he goes to sleep, we ordered a take-out and ate in the car.

Anyway, I do hope that I can come on the next concert.
Mummy, mummy please??

P/S : Faith was eliminated. I was hoping that Step would but you know how the votes work. . .

i r u k a

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