I am dazzled.
Don't mind the low quality pictures from my phone camera. It served well for these two pictures I have taken from Mid Valley's GSC's entrance earlier this evening. Tickets were amazingly cheap for selling at RM9. There were 11 of us at the cinema ; so , I'm surprised.
My reviews for the movie would be written below so if you hate spoilers. Go away!
No flames and again : warning : SPOILERS!
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Scenes which nearly killed my already anemic self ;
Their mega sexy entrance to the cafeteria left me shaking. I clamped my mouth shut, expecting myself to squeal. (Which most of the girl audience did) . For the first time ever, I noticed that Jasper was indeed, hot.
Edward tops it all, nonetheless! *yum yum*
Oof. The scene outside. *drools* . Can't you see their beautiful sways? ESPECIALLY, the silver-volvo owner. Come on!
Look at his fucking jacket. My perverted self can't help to come out with
"... come here and gimme SEXY!!!!!"
Stupid MPH Bookstore had to call during this trivial scene.
and I switched places. Took a seat next to C.Heng instead and screamed senseless.
Just so you know, Edward ; whenever you feel like getting frenzied -
Give Miza a call and she'll take off!
* * *
Coolness :
1) Robert and smexy.
2) Me, memorizing most of the lines made people turn their heads over to have a look on the fangirl who sat at J-08.
3) Rapid breathings and dark glares. Couldn't vampires get more sexayh?!
4) "So the lion fell in love with the lamb," - CLASSIC.
5) The meadow scene was inhumanly gorgeous! Flowers and gorgeous surroundings around 'em couldn't get any better! *_* I could live all day staring at them.
6) Jasper : HOT
7) Carlisle : Was he that hot, before?
8) Hot vampire males laughing out their grins and devilish smirks could feed years of doom.
9) When Edward and Bella arrived and walked together at school and had everyone staring at them. Gossshhh Edward was so freakin hottttt. I love it that Spotlight was playing. At first I thought it would fit better during the baseball scene but yeah, it actually worked.
Copied from Dira. Was about to say something of the same.
10) Bella has hot boobs.
11) Alice being a bad-ass murderer, Edward associated with bloodsucking, Jasper's frenzied eyes, screaming Bella, and James, the sadist made me squeal in delight!
12) Victoria's wicked ending credit. The actress ruled the red-head, all right.
= = = =
Badness ;
1) Why the hell did GSC cut off the make out session on Bella's bed??!!!!! THAT'S SUPPOSED TO BE THE BEST PART, ASSHOLE! And I was letting my imaginations run wild!
2) Stupid GSC again for the bloody LCD problem for the uptenth time! Bloody service.
3) CGI rubbish ; shiny Edward ; not enough coverage on moi sexy's bedroom!
4) Freaking non-Twilighter who made noises throughout the movie. You should be thankful as I didn't slap you on the face!
5) Butchered kissing. STFU ... Audience. Please go and make out SOMEWHERE ELSE!!!!!!
* * * *
Forget it. I don't have enough thumb strength to continue on typing... -dead tired -
The conclusion that I came up from all this blab is that the movie was AWESOME.
I'll give it a 4.5/5
= = = = =
Couldn't help for another round of Jackson!
Last post for this week.
I will fly off to Jakarta on Saturday and depart later on Monday. This post will be edited as I am waiting for some pictures to load.
Just for the note :
I'll be watching the movie again next week. Give me a call if you plan on going as well and don't leave me unattended. :)
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