i didn't miss you

May 05, 2012 02:34

hello customs... hello courier (FEDEX)...

we meet again... and i certainly didn't miss you.

have a new set of outrageous bills for my recent purchase of 2 humble styli, 2 screen protectors and a card case.

my items only cost 28.36USD from play-asia (partly their fault... yesasia fixed this problem years ago)

tax and fees i have to pay: a whopping 1401.52 PHP (roughly 32.59USD at 43 conversion rate)

yep! 28.36 < 32.59

tell me what's not unfair about that!

will probably formulate some formal writing regarding this, post it in my blog.. and maybe send it to some newspaper... we'll see

....and in other news... i think i will get a new pc soon... this one is slowly starting to die on me.. and i mean slow........

yeah can't sleep yet... this tax thing is bothering me

computers, customs has its own tag now!!!, rant

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