non mainstream

Feb 15, 2011 11:40

before i start... haha yesterday was valentines and our higher ups were nice enough to give us some stuff... our TL gave us girls 1 long stem each.. and our manager gave us truffles :P


i just noticed (oh really now... :P) that i tend to get the non mainstream stuff...

1. my walkman... yeah instead of getting an ipod, i got a walkman... i really happy with it.. it's just that it's hard to look for accessories for it. i got the clear case from japan (regretting not to get the silicon case too).. not to mention the usb cable. it's one of kind...
i have the included cable, as well as the video out connector (with the charger too)
no special cases for this one aside from the very expensive official ones. can't find them here either. i got the non official silicon case from the US too..

2. my phone... not that HTC isn't mainstream.. it's just doesn't have enough exposure here yet. they're too "quietly brilliant" as they say. i've been looking around in the malls and the only htc stuff i find are the phones... it's hard to find pre-cut screen protectors (well they already have it for the desire, legend -- the old stuff), jelly cases (seriously.. whenever i look for one, i want to cry...) and now the charger...
(i can find the case online so i ordered there... took a while but at least i have an actual case now)

anyway about the charger... i find it so annoying because it's just a regular USB cable. Well not exactly regular.. it's the small flat plug... it's the same as the plug that came in with my usb3 harddisk (without the thing that made it usb3) so my question now is why is it so hard to look for one?! it's the same as the blackberry cable too...
could it be that it's so much in demand that there are no stocks left? -- that sucks
but i've seen one before... in another mall... but that's not the point.. every mall with the techy section should have these... the only blackberry cables i found were for the older models


yeah... it sucks to buy the non mainstream stuff...

but i still like getting them because i really don't like going mainstream too much... i still want to be unique in a way :)

personal, blog, gadgets, random, rant

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