Third time's the charm

Jul 23, 2010 11:05

Yeah it's been another year here at work... Nothing much happened I guess...

Last year's post

Well I've changed projects last January... more or less it's still the same thing. Still with SQL (my love-hate relationship). Had a few months of development with SSIS. At least something to keep me occupied, interested and not bored. Now I'm back to support work.

I've talked with the manager and asked if I could change projects by end of fiscal year (Aug 31). He said he was still looking for a more suitable project for me. I hope he found one...

Even if there is hope in getting a project that I like, I'm still thinking about resigning and moving on somewhere else... If I'm not happy by November, I might decide to move on to something new by January.

My dad asked me before if I was open to something a lot more different. He hasn't asked me again but I'm still considering it... We'll see... I don't really want to be stuck with a desk job my whole life... My eyes are taking all the stress. Look at Stitch, I've been doing that everyday... my eyes can't take any more >.

work, anniversary

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