30 days of sharing meme
day 04 → your favourite book
Do I really have to pick one?!
Hardy Boys series
Hardy Boys started my 'reading frenzy' when I was a kid. I started reading my brothers' hand-me-down hardbound copies. We ended up buying more. I preferred the Hardy Boys over Nancy Drew (although I had a few) because their adventures seem to be more interesting.
I know I've been posting a lot of kiddie stuff lately... but I don't know... it seems that I really haven't grown up...
I would have posted The Da Vinci Code but that was too common.. and it was really Hardy Boys that started my love for mysteries like Dan Brown's books (which also led to my post yesterday). His books got me back to reading when I was in college.
Other notable teen series:
Animorphs, Cronicles of Narnia, Wrinkle in Time (and the rest of the set)
day 01 → your favourite song
day 02 → your favourite film
day 03 → your favourite television programme
day 04 → your favourite book
day 05 → your favourite quote
day 06 → whatever tickles your fancy
day 07 → a photo that makes you happy
day 08 → a photo that makes you angry/sad
day 09 → a photo you took
day 10 → a photo of you taken over ten years ago
day 11 → a photo of you taken recently
day 12 → whatever tickles your fancy
day 13 → a fictional book
day 14 → a non-fictional book
day 15 → a fanfic
day 16 → a song that makes you cry (or nearly)
day 17 → an art piece (painting, drawing, sculpture, etc.)
day 18 → whatever tickles your fancy
day 19 → a talent of yours
day 20 → a hobby of yours
day 21 → a recipe
day 22 → a website
day 23 → a youtube video
day 24 → whatever tickles your fancy
day 25 → your day, in great detail
day 26 → your week, in great detail
day 27 → this month, in great detail
day 28 → this year, in great detail
day 29 → hopes, dreams and plans for the next 365 days
day 30 → whatever tickles your fancy