obligatory year end post

Dec 31, 2009 21:41

Wow... Time flies by so fast. Another year is ending... I can feel it now...

I just finished watching Leehom's first show for tonight. Now I'm watching Kouhaku while waiting for Leehom's 2nd show at around 9:40.

So on to the list...

1. Because of what happened last year, I met more Leehom fans and more friends.
2. More fan club involvement for the first half of the year. OHPh birthday party, charity auctions and donations, Leehom's birthday surprise, fan club shirt was printed...
3. Got introduced to SHINee and 2PM... I think I already know each member of 2PM now...
4. Missed the chance to see SHINee because it was my parents' anniversary
5. Added more stuff to my Leehom collection including figurines, cds and more Portrait of a Love song that I plan to sell (keep posted :P)
6. Bought most of the kpop cds released locally... wow my collection is growing now.

1. We changed buildings!!! It made life more easier since I can be in the office in less than an hour in average traffic.
2. Had my 2nd work anniversary. uneventful though.
3. No salary increase.. bummer
4. We got more teammates... additional friends haha..
5. Roll off that was extended to Jan 15 instead of Nov 15... At least I will have a change of pace next year.
6. 45-hr work week. 'nuff said

1. I gained more weight >.< need to lose them in the next months... i dont want to buy new pants (although i really need to since my pants are 2 years old already)
2. I feel like I've been more lazy.
3. New license... new credit limit... new cards (which i dont plan on using)
4. My room is still a mess :P
5. More toys!!! Toro and the gang are almost complete. Will wait for Kuro and Pierre to arrive from Japan
6. Ondoy calamity last September. Got paranoid of rains/typhoon/flood for a few months after. It was after this that I started eating a lot more >.<

Plans for the year ahead:
1. Make my room more organized. Boxes are waiting to be filled. (And I didn't use the word "clean" since it will never be CLEAN)
2. Save up more for future trips... refrain from buying toys. We might go to visit my brother or the other way around. Must be ready.
3. Definitely more kpop exposure... Savings will also go to this... concerts will be abundant this year.
4. Waiting for Big Soldier!!! then OHPh birthday party again
5. Site revamp? even a new LJ custom layout would be nice. Need to stop being lazy.

Hope this new year (and our year -- Tiger) will be a better year than 2009.
I miss 2008 already :(

This was the year that we had the most recorded cat deaths. TT___TT
1. Panchito
2. Sneezy
3. Fluffy
4. Silverback
5. Zorro (my fave!!!)
6. Frank
and we lost Giorgie too... I don't know where she went :(

personal, toys, work, fandom, lists, leehom, lj, year end post, music, kpop, 2pm, shinee

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