Minimum Wage (the toy not the money :P)

Jun 25, 2009 13:51

Ever since I saw the clear wage kaiju at fresh last year(?) I thought it was cute and thought I might get one... but that time I had no money. So now that I'm at the height of my toy obssession and probably extra money to spend, I'm checking back at some stuff I've wanted but couldn't afford before.

So my brother found the clear wage kaiju at ebay yesterday. Buy now price at around $65 but you can offer a lower price.

Still deciding if I should get it though since my brother told me the solid was cuter... but I think the more ligher/yellowish shade of the clear version is cuter. I should just make sure I take photos of it with a light background.

For comparison, check under the cut:

solid (@toytokyo)

flickr 1
flickr 2

clear (@intheyellow)

flickr 1
flickr 2

So there... I'm deciding until tomorrow evening (haha until my credit card's cutoff)
*peeks in wallet/bankaccount* @_@
If ever I decide I want the solid one, I won't be spending anything because nobody's selling it right now.

oh yeah.. i blame my brother for the uglydolls / vinyl obsession :P

toys, uglydolls, family

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