
Jun 16, 2009 11:56

what's with me and words today...

it all started with seeing an ad of pampers earlier...
then i started thinking "diapers"
then... "dialysis"
so what does the "dia" there stand for? i'm guessing something to do with pee?
(checked wiki... apparently not... it's all a coincidence... hahaha)

then i went to the rest room to clear off my airways since i'm growing a cold.. then "allergic rhinitis" popped in my head... along with "rhinoceros", "rhinoplasty"(sp?) and "triceratops" (from rhinoceros)
which came to the conclusion... "rhino" = nose... and "ceros/cera" could be horn...

i'm going crazy because of all this work issues

...you might be thinking that i should already know these things...
but isn't it more amusing if you just rediscover it without even one ounce of effort? ^^

language, random

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