today's thoughts (aka tweets)

Apr 29, 2009 23:30

iruka11's random thoughts for today

  • 06:16 morning :) #
  • 07:04 off to work\ #
  • 08:04 at work now... stomach hurts >.< #
  • 08:09 the floor is shaking... and shaking... and shaking >.< #
  • 09:31 i should start sleeping early... sleeping late = sleepy = need coffee = extra sugar intake >.< #
  • 09:44 argh... no more tea in the pantry >.< just when i wanted to drink healthy >.< #
  • 10:19 shucks ang init >.< parang pati legs ko pinagpapawisan #
  • 12:22 @ iruka11 note to self: check score book included in accidental biography for "liang ge ren......wo men" #
  • 12:30 im hungry.. but my stomach ache isnt hunger related #
  • 13:28 @ zelinatan im fine now.... although it might act up again... then i'll have to go home soon because nature calls #
  • 13:41 skip beat chapter 57... im almost catching up from where the anime ended... wheeeeeeeeeee... #
  • 13:42 there goes the random lj adders again >.< #
  • 14:06 im bored... 52 mins til i send end of day report... *sigh* #
  • 14:37 sleepy #
  • 14:42 @ krayolangputol di ka na online sa ym? #
  • 15:04 whee... end of day report sent... now im kinda free... KINDA #
  • 17:47 this page doesnt look normal... :P i see BL material here #
  • 17:55 reading more skip beat to pass the time until my brother arrives to pick me up #

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drinks, lj, leehom, skip beat, work, twitter

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