Leehom according to his friends

Mar 26, 2009 16:03

old article but still amusing to read... hahaha...

Close Friends Talk about Leehom - As a reporter I've interviewed Leehom many times, and he has always been extremely friendly. He is easily approachable and smiles and waves at you from afar even if he isn't familiar with you. As a result almost everyone in the industry likes his personality and easy-going ways. In fact he's friends with almost everyone he meets. However, to become more than just a regular friend, to become a true friend that he trusts is hard. Leehom has admitted that he doesn't spill his feelings every easily, and he doesn't like to "accept" close friends unless he absolutely trusts someone. Sometimes he feels his "emotional barrier" is somewhat of an obstacle for him.

Leehom says "I'm sometimes a bit too honest in a dumb way and I'm clumsy with my word choice, so in a way music is my language because it allows me to express myself the best." Surprisingly Leehom isn't a smooth talker despite his dashing charm, "I'm still like a little kid and I get nervous and sometimes I say the truth too much. I need to take some lessons on how to talk to girls." Leehom laughed, "Girls say they want truthful guys, but I think I shouldn't be too open with my feelings." Actually Leehom isnt' a good sweet-talker. When his girlfriend asked him to choose between her and music Leehom could not lie to her and said, " I love you and music both the same." Sadly that didnt' work out too well for him. But apparently he does love her as he has continued to write songs for her.

I was curious what his closest friends that know his inner thoughts thought him, so let's peel Leehom's layers of secrecy :

David Tao: Leehom is very deep when it comes to his music. He never stops talking about it when he gets started and it never gets boring, as a musician myself it's incredible how much he inspires me. I remember the collaboration we did on the lyrics and composing of "Hand in Hand" that was one of my favorite projects. We did the composing, producing, arranging, and writing the lyrics all in one day. Neither of us slept and that's what I like abuot him, we are both serious workers. He is so serious and so gentle with his music. He always has a smile on his face. What's funny is that he likes to tell jokes, though they are funny only because they are a bit lame, don't say I said that , haha.

Wilber Pan: He's the man. It's still amazes me how someone so talented in so many things can still be so normal and fun to joke around with. You would think the amount of work he puts into his music he would be an anal perfectionist, but in fact he's really easy-going in real life. But dude his apartment is empty, when we go there, there aren't even chairs for us to sit on, only Leehom's bed and some instruments and just music stuff. Haha.

Blackie - He always touches me with how hard he works. He didn't sleep for 72 straight once while producing his album. Sometimes I have to tell him to relax. I mean Leehom buy a TV please, watch some TV and relax. He's such a deep character, his outermost layer makes him seem shy, reserved, and a music nerd, but once you get to know him better he is so hyper. Yet if you get past that level you see that he's incredibly lonely, I remember we watched a movie about a man who had nothing but music and Leehom was moved to tears. Leehom felt the same way. I think he sacrifices too much for music, all the times he has to miss his families special events I always see the pain in his eyes. But hey Leehom you gotta work on those jokes, haha, just kidding.

FanFan: He is willing to try new things; I remember when he first played basketball. He was embarrassed because he didn't play well, unlike Blackie, Jason, and Will who were all basketball fanatics. "How can you miss the hoop?" Jason and Wilber used to make fun of him, then we had a game of baseball, and Jason and Wilber stopped making fun of him. "How can you not hit the baseball?"

I remember Hei Ren wanted to play a prank on Leehom. We had just watched the Ring a few days back and that night Hei Ren and Leehom were going out and I hid in the back of the car. You know what's next. I have long black hair, and Hei Ren and I were like "Hmmm I've never seen Leehom lose his composure or scream out loud, I wonder what would happen if we scared him." So we did. While Hei Ren was driving I "crawled" out from behind the backseat and had the whole "ring' thing going on. We felt bad though, because it almost gave Leehom a heart attack. But surprisingly even though he said #$@#! He said it really softly under his breath. Leehom's always screams and shouts on stage but in person he's so poised and never gets angry. We expected him to say profanities to us, but he didn't. That's why Leehom is such a unique character.

Jason - He's the most talented Asian artist I know. He's extremely mellow; it's scary how I've never seen him get mad. Sometimes I think his enormous amount of sportsmanship is unhealthy, I mean where does all that anger go? He's one great bro, we'll be behind him through thick and thin. Yeah, homboys man.

Coco Lee: Leehom's like a teddy bear. He is always so bubbly and happy and just brightens up the atmosphere. He has great talent and it's an honor to be his friend.

I've known him since he first debuted. I remember the good old times when we would go sing Karoake with the other ABC kids, Machi's Jeff Huang. It's a shame that we've all gotten so busy. I would love to be able to spend more time with him again.

Elva Hsiao: Leehom is very interesting. He has split personalities. Haha, he has this very gentlemen-shy-ladies-first side, then he has the crazy, hyper-jumping-around-the-room side, and then the intense-music-is-my-life side. Sometimes I worry that he's too nice and gets taken advantage of. He rarely says no and isn't a businessperson so he overworks himself a lot especially in composing for other artists.

But he's such a sweetheart. Many reports were reporting that I rejected his songs 4 times and stuff but the thing was it's the demos weren't right. But he's still so thoughtful. Before I recorded the song "Honey x 3" he called my company, WARNER, and asked what I liked. They told him that I liked Los Angeles's sun and Hawaii's beach. Guess what? That night he went out and brought posters of The Los Angeles Sun and Hawaii beach for my recording the next day to help me relax.

Amei - Leehom's awesome. He's serious when it comes to work, but it's so fun to be around him. His work ethics are incredible; he makes music because he loves music like he loves a child. Music is his life. It's ironic though because away from music Leehom is such a kid, he's incredibly cute but also vulnerable because he doesn't look out for himself and gets taken advantage of easily.

Fish Leong - Sometimes I ask him why he's so nice. I'm so touched by how much he loves music, he flew all the way from New York to Taiwan to compose my song Silk Road. Yet even though he had jetlag and we recorded into the wee hours he still was able to crack jokes. Too bad I'm not his type of girl...haha just kidding. There is a small problem working with Leehom though. When Leehom talks to me, I am unable to concentrate because he is just too handsome!"

Da S - Leehom's a gentleman. I rememeber he came to my house one time with Hei Ren and I was in my pajamas and my hair was all up and weird looking and I felt so embarassed so I went and hid in my room. Leehom was like "Nice antenae you got going up on your head." So I smacked him with a pillow. He's such a caring guy. I can never get over his musicial talents, everytime he performs I feel like I melt.

Kelly - I've known Leehom for many years and although I'm from HK and he's from Taiwan we have many projects together. He used to guest for my hong kong concerts. Leehom's matured but he's still the same LEehom. We are both speakers for Mcdonalds and he always asks him to speak in Cantonese. I teach all the "important' words. Haha. BAsically all the bad words so Leehom can know whenever someone decides to talk crap about him in cantonese.

Gigi Lai- Did you know Leehom gave his first "on-screen" kiss to me? haha I took his on-screen-kissing virginity away. I really enjoyed working with him on Avenging fist, he's such an adorable character. I especially liked how he played a rebelious character because that was hot. haha. I havn't seen him in a long time, but we performed together on stage in HK and I was at his 29th birthday!

Stephanie Sun - No one knows that I'm friends with Leehom. Is it because we both are lay's spokespersons? No. haha. Because I think Leehom is cool and Leehom thinks I'm cool. haha. We are just cool like that.

Coolio Yo, - Leehom's a cool dawg ya' know? I worked with him in CSF and we used to hang out on set. I felt I talked to much though because I kept on talking about my life and leehom was just like, "that's nice." hahahahaha. But it's fun, he's a cool kid. But damn he gets all the girls when we go out, what's with that? haha. Anyway whenever I go to taiwan I like to pay him a visit, and sometimes it's like 2 am and I'm like "Hey Leehom!" and He's like, "Damn, hi Coolio."

Richie Ren: I've known Leehom for long. He's very busy lately now though and it's sad because we havn't hung out in a long time. But recently he was in HK and in the airport we caught up. We have so much to say to each other.

Tata Young - Ah Leehom, my dear Leehom. That boy is adorable. Haha, he's such a quirk and so bubbly to be around. It's funny though because he has this deep voice when he speaks in English to me and I hear his songs and he sings higher than me. He's a very talented person and he always surprises me with his talent. This guy is just endless and I get surprised everytime I find out more about him. Everytime I see him, I'm suprised by a new talent.

AYA - I love Leehom. haha. No really I do. He's so nice, so talented, so handsome, he's everything. But I think Leehom already knows how much I adore him. Yeah to my future husband.

Xiao S - Leehom is not only wonderfully awesome too look at, he is so talented. Little secret he gets drunk easily. Once we were at Hotpot and Leehom took not even two sips and he was drunk. It's so easy to take "advantage" of him when he's drunk because he is so clueless. But that time he got drunk we were like, "what after 2 drinks?" Lol he usually gets a bit shy when a girl gets next to him but I sat next to him and I told him I was his finanacial advisor and he believed me. So girls if you want to "chase" Leehom get him drunk first. Just Kidding. It's hard to imagine since he's always so clean and prepared in public.

I'm a very straightfoward person and it's so cute when LEehom gets embarrassed. One time in front of all our friends I was like, " Leehom I had a "dream" about you last night and we were kissing...and such." He got really shy, looked away, and said "thank you." It's so funny. He's proper even when he's embarassed.

He impresses me every time he performs; I remember the first time I heard him play the piano I almost fainted. He has such long pretty fingers.

Ah Xin - I just recently got to know him better. Sometimes I wonder why I didn't get to know him sooner. I've talked to him on several occasions at award shows and he was so opening and generous to introduce me to people. I finally got to know him better through a collaboration with Fish, he's such an awesome man. The ladies may faint when they see him, but he's more than looks. Sometimes I think people think he's just a pretty boy, but trust me after making that song with him, he is a musical genius.

Harlem - I'm cool, because I've known Leehom for so long. Hah. He's like my little brother, I knew him since he first started 10 years ago. He hasn't changed much, the fame hasn't gotten to him. He's still the vulnerable 18 year old that gets taken advantaged of. Though he's smartened up a bit, he's still too nice in the world of entertainment and media. I remember most clearly the GMA event, Leehom went on stage because the presenter read his name wrong. Leehom though wasn't bitter, he even defended the presenter. The media though wouldn't stop asking him questions and rubbing his mistake in his face, and Leehom just allowed them to pick on him, he didn't want to be mean. I had to step in because it breaks my heart that he's so vulnerable. However if the tabloids start making stuff up about his music, then Leehom gets angry. Music is his love and if tabloids mess with that it gets on his nerves and no more nice guy.

Vivian Hsu - Leehom is a sweetheart. Every time he comes to Japan I'm always there to help him, I remember I introduced him to a hair stylist that cut his hair really bad, but he didn't get mad at me. haha. I wonder why there hasn't been a rumor between the two of us? Anyway he's an awesome person, and I wouldn't change anything about him.

Shunza - I love this guy. He's the type that will be there through thick and thin and he's so unselfish. You know that he would rather sacrifice himself than someone else. I've known him ever since he started and he's still the same old incredibly sweet 18 year old. It's hilarious hanging out with him though, because he says the cutest things. And his music is oh-so-wonderful and moving. My mom always goes "why can't you bring someone like Leehom home?"

Eason - It's funny how he's always at charity shows. I mean the man barely sleeps because he is so busy but he always finds time to do charity and I really respect him for that. I remember last year the Love Hope concert I was wearing a "dirty" shirt and Leehom couldn't get it. It was hilarious because we are all adults' right? And Leehom was all confused. But that shows his mind is clean and uncontaminated haha.

Gackt - I first met Leehom in 2002 while filming Moonchild. We had a language barrier but we got to know each other really well, and he's an awesome person. He's an awesome singer, and extremely nice, I remember inviting him to by my guest in my concert and he agreed. He's not afraid to try new things, even if he makes mistakes.

I really admire Leehom's talents. He's talented but not conceited; every time I praise him he blushes. He's a funny guy, though not all his jokes are funny, haha. I remember we went to dinner with Vivian, Ken Chu, and some other friends and Leehom tried to crack some joke in Japanese. It was hilarious, only because it was stupid. Haha.

Vanness Wu - Leehom is perfect. I remember when I first met him I was like he's a cool guy, then I heard his voice and his productions. It's so unfair how he has perfect pitch, haha. Hopefully one day my songs can be as good as his, or maybe he can compose a song for me. Haha. I remember I used to envy kids like Leehom when I was younger, it's sad considering I went to UCI and Leehom was like perfection. But he's not condescending at all, and that's what I love about him.

He's my homboy and is the bomb. It was ultra cool being in his ai cou video. Even though we shot for hours straight and Leehom was the director he still was all kidding around and stuff.

Jolin Tsai - He's like my big brother. He has such great patience, I remember when he was composing my "Du Zhan Shen Hua" song he was so into the music. And he didn't sleep for 2 days while he produced my latest album. Haha, he didn't even lose his patience when he was teaching me the piano, even though I was doing everything wrong. It touches me how he is willing to travel and ride the plane for like 20 hours just for me. He's really caring, I remember he called me after composing the song after he arrived New York to give me suggestions for the music video. No actually I think I called him. haha.

JJ LIN: I've known Leehom for a while. I used to be afraid to approach him because he's a big star and all. But one of my colleagues told me to approach him and that Leehom was open. I was so surprised that he was so open. I talked to him at an award show and he was very encouraging. I've grown to know him even more. When I was in New York last year, he was also there, since he lives there fro 3-4 months in a year and he showed me around and introduced me to his friends. He's serious when it comes to work, but very easy to get along with, that's what I admire about him. He doesn't get work and play mixed up.

Alan Kuo - Leehom has helped me since I first began. I gave him my master tape and asked for some tips. I knew he was busy with his album promotion so I only asked him to critique a few songs. However, I was touched to find that he listened to every song and offered his tips on each one.

Also last year he attended my first concert and flew in all the way from New York to support me. In addition he missed his plane to thailand to support me. I'm honored to have a shi ge and friend like him in the entertainment world.

Alan Luo - God Leehom is so weird. But it's ok we can we weird together. He reminds me of pikachu. I think he likes to torture me because whenever I talk to him he likes to throw in some english and I don't understand english. HAha. But he's a very top-notch musician, it's so awesome getting advice from him, he's like a mentor to me. I prank-called him once and I didn't realize he was in New York at the time so it was 2-3 am and he was sleeping. haha but he didn't get mad and he sounded all calm and pretty. DAng I was kind of freakd out that he didn't get mad.

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