Koizumi Itsuki

May 23, 2008 00:21

So I finally decided to take the chance and get one of those Haruhi Suzumiya gachapon figurines. The machine asked for 3 tokens and I bought them at P50 each. So I took my chance with my P150 and hoped for the best. The figurine I wanted was of course the male character. The rest of the set were female in their you-know-what clothes. (kinulangan ng tela)

Anyway, so I bent down to the machine, dropped in the 3 tokens, and turned the knob... chanting to myself to get the guy... and the capsule dropped. more "chanting" and I checked what was inside. I saw brown hair... ok, most of their hairs were brown. next check, no bunny ears (the female ones had bunny ears on them) next check, I saw the hand holding some kind of fireball. And then I saw the suit. It was confirmed. I got really lucky and got Koizumi Itsuki

Here's my unwrapping process:

This is the capsule. Unopened.

Opened capsule.

The mini catalog of the set. There's 2 more characters on the other side.

Opening the parts.

Formed and posed.

A little blurred close up.

A little bit to the right side.

I'm so happy with this one. I'm going to look for a place to take a good photo of this one and probably send it to our photo of the month contest.

anime, toys, photography, stuff, photos

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