
Jan 06, 2008 23:14

If you guys remember my last post, I mentioned looking for a camera. Well here I am with my new gadget! (sadly it's not blue anymore as what my past gadgets were)

Say hi to my first digital camera! (Hi!!!)
And with that, I'm going to learn more about photography such as shutter speed and aperture and all those kinds of stuff. I'm going to pay for it every month through my dad since we got it with 0% interest for 12 months. (currently added "photography" tag)

Anyway, of course I tested it and took photos (the last file name was numbered 99 so I did take a lot)

(click for a larger image)
so the jeep's reflective sticker design does work! i can see it clearly when i accidentally took the photo with the flash.

(click for larger image)
my first 400k note streak! no unlockable achievement though :(
that isn't my highest score for that song though...
now to get a perfect for the song... XD

here's a series of photos... Meet Scrawny aka Spider-cat aka 'Noying aka kulit2

scrawny: hmmm what is this? looks edible

iruka: where did the bug go?

scrawny: yum!!!
iruka: (so that's where it went)

and last but not the least...

that's the elephant the people at APM gave me last Friday. ^___^

So last Friday was our last day in MCLA and APM. The folk from APM gave us some tokens which included the elephant pillow above. It's so cute and cuddly! ^^

I'm half sad and half happy to leave MCLA. Happy since I'm going to be closer to home when we move locations. Sad because I'm going to leave the first ever team I became part of in my first job. Awww... oh well that's part of life (in our company) Never ending change...

Sorry I haven't been able to post for the past two days since I've fallen asleep while watching TV (yes! on both nights!) I don't know... maybe I'm just so tired these days even though I'm not really doing any work in the office.

Oh by the way, we have Discovery channel!!!! w00t! can't wait for more myth busters!!! ^____^

games, toys, tv, work, photography, guitar hero, photos, random, first, gadgets, stuff, cats

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