Oct 17, 2007 09:53
I can't stand seeing misspelled words!
Especially the SMS type of spelling! Well I don't really mind if it's through text, but if you're already using a computer keyboard, please type up the word correctly. There's usually no character limit on the computer, whether it's email or IM or even an IM status. Why am I posting this? Because I keep seeing that awful looking status message of one of my officemates. It's hard enough to look at much more trying to read it. I don't even see why 'it' becomes '8' since it has a different pronunciation. Oh and I also add 'ako' (me) becoming 'q' to the list. I think it evolved this way: 'ako' >> 'aco' >> 'aq' >> 'q'. I could actually stand the use of 'me' (i.e. "Tulog na me" (I'll go to sleep)) rather than 'q' but still it doesn't mean I accept it. I don't.
Some acceptable words: (only use it in text or IM)
2log = tulog
4ever = forever
2 = too, to
k = ok, okay (Firefox underlines 'okay', how is it really spelled anyway?)
*any word that just has removed vowels is acceptable as long as it is still distinguishable. (i.e. 'lng' for 'lang' (only))
Aside from text spelling, the usual misspellings are also annoying. I usually see them now because I my batchmates here at work are Visayans so they have a different way of pronouncing certain vowels. I know they couldn't help it if they can't spell it right for Tagalog/Filipino since they grew up only using Cebuano. But for English, it's bad. It's impossible that they didn't study the correct spelling of English words back in elementary. You couldn't count it as typo errors since it always come out the same spelling.
Examples of words I saw/read:
deep = dip (as in the one for chips)
bunos = bonus
(there's more if you can check out my MSN archive)
It's hard enough that I can't understand what they're saying because of the misspelled words (more like mix ups of their vowels). Now mix it up with text spelling and I'm completely confused, clueless.
I know I sound mean. I'm really sorry if any of you got offended by this. It's just something I've been itching to write about since I saw that status message a few weeks ago.