yay book

Jul 03, 2007 23:59

yay i have a new book to read!!! ^^ i think it's a children's book since i found it in the youth section of national bookstore XD anyway, the summary looks interesting so i got it... i miss reading books ^^;;

oh yeah, the book is "The Supernaturalist" by Eoin Colfer... the same guy who wrote Artemis Fowl (which i haven't read XD)

played a little guitar hero after around a week of not playing XD tried out some of the hard mode songs... not good but at least i finished the song ^^

in maple, some random guy asked me if we could get married (of course in maple!). since i wanted to try the amoria pq already (which required the party members to be married), i accepted the proposal :O and now i'm engaged. okay... that sounds so weird!!! it's just in-game.. hahaha! bahala na...

games, maple story, guitar hero, random, books

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