oh noes

May 10, 2007 21:28

bukas na alis ko TT__TT wah... ayoko pa... :-SS (sa ym nagngangatngat ng ipin)

clothes (check!)
toiletries (check!)
medicines (check!)
shoes (oh yeah! no more space?!)
slippers (tomorrow..)
ipod (charging..)
celphone (charging... backup..)
mentos (tomorrow..)
bluey (check!)
jacket/s (check!)
cap/s (check!)
video cam (check!)
pen/cil (check!)
notebook (check!)
... check!

i don't know why i'm nervous... maybe it's the fact that i'm having trouble with my head (dizzyness)

on the "brighter" side...

okay?! where did my post go?!?!

let's try this again...

there was a video clip of leehom with blackie... i'll just post the link:
click here

leehom's so cute there!

and this one:
preview of lust caution

bloody leehom... TT___TT

but this reminds me of mononoke...

look at the blood pattern.. hahaha XD wala lang...

(click to enlarge)

look! i can hit 1000+ already!!! w00t!!! yeah at level 48 ^^ 2 more and it's my goal level already... XD

personal, anime, games, random, leehom, maple story, stuff, trip

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