to-do list

Apr 06, 2007 22:21


had another boring day... well it's good friday after all...

i just continued reading Bloody London.. finished more than half already... ^^

i already saw the pictures from my kuya's camera before/during/after my graduation... haha XD

hmmm... i should start doing stuff before we leave for the states...

to-do list:
1. haplos [before we leave]
2. frhfeilunhai layout contest [April 30]
3. my own layout [before we leave]
4. Leehom cookbook page [May 1]
5. Leehom restaurant recommendations [May 1]
6. buy new pants (no slacks! or office wear :P) [before we leave]
7. watch Heroes
8. finish Tokyo Juliet (and burn after)
9. organize Leehom downloads and backup
10. do something productive that can be added to my resume...
11. save up money [before we leave]
12. think and buy a gift for Leehom just in case I see him at the Taipei airport (yeah i'm dreaming!) [before we leave] (technically i already have a gift and already sent it to malaysia)
13. install software on the laptop (firefox, ym, photoshop, and all important stuff) [before we leave] (brother did it)
14. watch GTO anime

err.. i think that's long enough... XD

personal, school, computers, random, books, food, fahrenheit, lj, gadgets, clothes, trip, website, ourhomeph, tv, fandom, layout, leehom, note-to-self

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