
Feb 22, 2007 20:44

my dad brought home a fortune cookie last night and i thought i wanted to it eat but i was full already. so tonight i opened it. and here's the fortune:

Now is the time to get your life organized to ensure a trouble free month.

lol! i have to agree with that... i need to organize my life in terms of school first. i need to finish every school work i have so that i can be free by march.

that fortune cookie is starting to scare me...

anyway if you want lucky numbers: 18, 20, 23, 32, 34, 38

oooh... 23... meaning tomorrow? :P i hope so

btw, the fortune cookie was good. as good as other fortune cookies... i want more!!!

ok... now to finish the thesis paper and my report for philo x_x

school, random, food

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