player information
name: robyn.
lj account:
email: supremia[at]gmail[dot]com.
messenger: limits breaking. » aegisol.
current characters, if any: erza scarlet ; 「 fairy tail. 」 (
thetitania )
lilith m. dupond ; 「 original character. 」 (
veiledviper )
oerba yun fang ; 「 final fantasy xiii. 」 (
tearsthesky )
would you like to be paired with a member of our welcoming committee? nope.
in-game character information
name: presea combatir.
series: tales of symphonia.
age: 14, appears 12.
personality: Presea is at first glance, very, very flat in terms of personality. Her expressions are blank, her responses are very blunt, often to the point of insensitivity. While she is clearly intelligent, she oftentimes seems more like some kind of supercomputer than a living and breathing human being. She comes off as robotic in a lot of her behavior, uses words like “affirmative” and “negative” to answer questions, and seems to lack a lot of social graces and the ability to distinguish proper social cues. She has an unusual habit of taking certain expressions and terms in a very literal way. For instance, the term "don't count your chickens before they hatch," she might respond with "I...have no chickens." She’s very quiet as well and will often not speak unless spoken to…and even then she may not say anything.
The truth is, Presea has a lot more going on under the surface. She’s a very solemn, taciturn girl, and may oftentimes seem cold or unfeeling as a result. Deep down, she cares a lot about people, but because her emotions were essentially stripped from her for a time, she has a great deal of trouble expressing them and adjusting as a “normal” human being. The truth of the matter is that she is profoundly lonely, having been robbed of her childhood, her family, and even her personality as a result of her experimentation. She is naturally distrustful of most individuals, and it takes her quite a while to warm up as a result. There is a curious dichotomy in her actions: often she seems far older and wiser than her years, and at times (particularly while interacting with others) she can seem rather awkward. She has a hard time letting go of painful things, and greatly admires individuals with the ability to forgive and move on, as it is something she finds exceptionally difficult. She has a soft side too: she's fond of animals and good at dealing with them.
Since the damage done to her by her experimentation has been fixed, she is a bit more open and willing to participate in conversations, and may actually smile from time to time. Initially, she will be very cold and it'll be hard to engage her in any sort of social activity, but eventually she will open up a little. When she does open up to people, she’s fiercely dedicated to them and will protect them at all costs.
background: Presea’s childhood was, for a brief time, very happy. Her mother passed away shortly after her sister, Alicia's, birth, but this didn't bother the two girls. They had their father, who was brave and so very strong, and he kept them happy enough without a mother. These times were good and glowing, and no one was ever lonely or sad.
Presea's father was known as Sieg Combatir, a retired and decorated Auror, who settled down in a cheery and secluded little village known as Ozette, located in France, once he married. He became a lumberjack before the birth of Presea, and the small family made a humble, but good living. In addition, Sieg taught his eldest daughter the art of whittling, and both daughter and father would make good luck charms for the people of Ozette. Alicia would help her older sister (who she admired above anyone else), by painting the little charms: the wooden fairies and dwarves, the bunny rabbits and bear cubs. And the two girls were, as Sieg would say, "thick as thieves." They were inseparable, did everything together and were never apart for long.
It so happened though, that these cheerful times were not to last. When Presea was twelve, her father quite suddenly fell ill, and could no longer do his woodcutting or depend on the funds he received from his retirement to support his two little girls. The medical bills began to pile up, and eventually affording a doctor was too much entirely. So Presea, the eldest girl, was placed in charge of caring for her father as he slowly wasted away. Alicia, in order to make money to send to her father and sister, went away to work for a family known as the Lazarenos. Presea continued to whittle her charms to make money. But a child is by no means capable of doing all these things alone, not for long, and so she began to panic.
It so happened that a man came to Presea not long after that, a portly, cheerful man known as Vharley. He said her father, sick as he was, would not last much longer without help, which was so terribly sad.
But there was a solution, he told them. A grand solution. All Presea had to do was to agree to be a part of an experimentation, one only meant for halfblood wizards and witches, like herself. Something harmless and painless. And then Presea, he said, would be strong enough to do the lumberjack work her father was unable to do. That way, both girls could make money. And everything would be as it had been before.
Presea, young as she was, inexperienced in the ways of deception, and lonely and frightened, agreed.
The girl was sent away to a dark organization known as Cruxis, under the guise of a smaller and less influential group known as the Desians, a group of halfbloods who hated Muggles and muggleborn wizards. And there a magical gem known as an Exsphere was grafted to her neck. The Exsphere granted her incredible strength and reflexes, far beyond that of her age and beyond that of most human beings, but it was at a great cost. She lost any remnant of her personality, lost the ability to age, and her memories were suppressed. The Exsphere was a special sort, grafted to her body without the use of the inhibiting seal it needed to control it, a Key Crest. This was so that the sphere would have a parasitic effect on Presea, using her as a host in order to become a special and far more powerful sort of Exsphere, known as a Cruxis Crystal. At that point, the crystal would be removed, and Presea would perish.
While under the influence of the exsphere, Presea was their pet for two years, doing whatever dirty work they needed, but one part of her consciousness remained: she wanted to go home to her family. Eventually, the Desians were stopped by the French Ministry, Presea was granted pardon for her actions, and the sphere on her neck was fixed by the magical crest it needed.
Presea returned home to bury her father on her own in a grave near their home, and closed the door on a part of her life that'd she'd lost. Although she was rather bright and had caught on many concepts during her service to the Desians, her skill in magic had not been utilized and so she was quite inexperienced when it came to the wizarding side of her blood. She was given a settlement after trial (for the pain and suffering she experienced while under control by her Exsphere), and was sent away to Hogwarts for rehabilitation, as well as the ability to study magic. Instead of being placed in her fourth year of school (where she belonged), or back to her second year (because of her apparent age), she was placed in third -- while she was a very bright girl, she'd fallen behind somewhat due to her lost years under the Desians, and so putting her a year behind gave her the opportunity to adjust.
She wanted to go for another reason as well: from her father, she'd learned of the Headmaster there, who was said to be a great wizard. And so she hoped, privately, that he'd be able to return the time that had been stolen from her.
blood: halfblood (father: wizard, mother: human).
preferred house: ravenclaw, though she could also fit in gryffindor or hufflepuff.
why do you think they belong in this house?
ravenclaw: Presea is very, very intelligent. While she does at times appear clueless, this is merely because many social nuances are lost on her since she is so emotionally stunted. She’s shown to be very knowledgeable on various subjects and topics, and her manner of speaking is often very analytical and dry. While ingame she'll warm up, she will at first be rather detached and cold, preferring logic over feeling, which is a common negative association of Ravenclaws. She's also quite wise and obviously a deep thinker at times, and it is clear she holds a curiosity about the world and the way it works, and wishes to learn more. And even though she's pretty...humorless, she does have a couple of smartass moments, usually pertaining to Zelos: "Are you hiding your face because that costume is embarrassing?" She's creative too: she is a skilled whittler, and in canon her good-luck charms (of bears. yeah idk.) are famous all throughout her home world.
gryffindor: Presea is very brave and chivalrous, and will fiercely defend her friends at all costs. She lacks recklessness however, for the most part (in favor of thinking and strategy), although she does have moments where she loses her temper and leaps into the face of danger.
hufflepuff: Presea is loyal to her friends, and once trust is gained...even though it takes a while, that trust doesn't waver. She's pretty much willing to die for Colette in the game, so. She's hardworking (kid used to be a lumberjack!), and is helpful, in her own odd little way.
She is by no means ambitious or cunning, and self-preservation isn't a huge issue for a kid who leaps into danger on a daily basis, so although she does have a lot of pent-up anger and so on, which could feasibly make her do more selfish things, Slytherin is a no.
school year: 3rd. YEAH I KNOW CONFUSING SORRY. /sobs
quidditch position: Umm...not right now. She'd be an excellent Beater, however.
would you like the character to possibly get a higher position? Nope, too tiny.
roleplay samples
journal sample: …
[The voice is soft and clearly that of a young girl's, but curiously flat. Devoid of emotion.]
…I am to be attending this school from now on. This book was given to me. I was informed it is to be used for the purpose of introduction.
[A pause, then finally:]
My name is Presea Combatir.
roleplay sample: So, this was Hogwarts. Presea pulled the trunk containing her meager belongings with little difficulty, while the children around her struggled and bustled about. Their chatter settled into a dull, and somewhat unpleasant buzz in the back of her mind as she observed her new home. She was not used to people, not yet (not anymore), and this new experience was...disconcerting.
Home. She'd not had a home, it seemed, in quite some time. Presea opened the trunk, and carefully laid out all of the items that meant anything to her on her nightstand: a picture of herself, her sister and father, her whittling tools and her various wood carvings. Animals mostly: bears and fish, phoenixes poised in flight. A model of a young chocobo, in mid-run. There was one, in progress, of the Hogwarts Express. Her small hands ran over the grooves in the wood, forming the shape of the sleek lines and dips of the train.
She picked up the model train, her whittling knife and hammer, her cloth, and sat down in the Common Room to quietly work on completing it. There were whispers about: the other children already thought she was odd, she was sure. It hardly mattered though. She was used by now, to loneliness. It was painful, but it had become a pain she'd learned to accept.
All she wanted really, was her time back.
character name: Presea Combatir.
canon weapon/item: A large battleaxe.
specific properties/abilities: None. It's just a giant axe.
how will this be translated to hogwarts? The axe has no special abilities. It is transfigured to resemble a wooden charm when not in use.
why do you want them to have this weapon/item at school? This axe belonged to Presea's father (according to canon), so it means a lot to her. In addition, she would feel uncomfortable without her huge axe.
ic - only applies if you wish the item to be school approved
name: Presea Combatir.
year/position: 3rd.
item/weapon: Battleaxe.
why do you wish to have this weapon/item on the school grounds? It belonged to my father. And I have been informed...that this school is dangerous. I would like to be able to protect myself and others in the event of a widescale attack.
I, Presea Combatir, solemnly swear that if I am granted permission to have my axe on school grounds, that it will be used responsibly and never to the detriment of staff or students.
anything extra? No.
character name: Presea Combatir
canon ability/power: Her exsphere. This gives her incredible strength, endurance and reflexes. This is why she is able to cut down trees, to carry huge blocks of wood, carry grown men more than twice her size, to swing around a huge axe, etc.
why do you want to bring this into the game? / how is it important to your character? Presea's exsphere is a hugely important part of her characterization. Without it, there would be no Presea. Her unusual strength has caused her to be stigmatized by the villagers in her hometown, and the side effects of the Exsphere's parasitic hold on her body account subdued and stunted emotional reactions.
what does it do? / how does it work? The Exsphere itself is a magical gem (made from humans!!!) In SW, I have adapted this to Muggles and muggleborn wizards, who were imprisoned by Desians in "human farms" and used to make these horrible items. It requires a seal referred to as a Key Crest to harness its parasitic effects on the human body. If properly applied, the Key Crest grants enhanced speed, strength and endurance, and sometimes exceptional magical ability. The abilities manifest differently for each individual.
how will this be translated to hogwarts? Pretty much the way I described it up there.
how will you be limiting this power? It could be kept as is, I think. Presea doesn't go out of her way to hurt people unless she feels threatened, or someone is threatening people she cares about. And her Exsphere focuses on physical ability -- it wouldn't give her any special magical abilities.
do other characters know about this power? They would know that she was unusually strong for a girl her age and...unusually strong in general (she doesn't keep it a secret), but not about anything involving the circumstances behind her Exsphere, unless they were the Headmaster or some part of the Ministry (such as an Auror) at any point. Someone might see it on her neck and question her about it, but she wouldn't respond lmao.
anything else? Nada.
11 1/8ths, Sturdy. Red Jasper Powder, Walnut.
11 (4+2+5) 1/8(1+8)
The Heirophant (5) (5+0=5): Education, knowledge, status quo, institution, conservatism, discipline, maturity, formality, deception, power, respect, duality, social convention, belief system, group identification, experience, tradition, naïve.
The Hermit (9) (1+8=9): Introspection, silence, guidance, reflection, solitude, looking inward, reclusion, being quiet, inner search, deep understanding, isolation, distance, retreat, philosophical attitude.
Death (13) (1+3=4): Ending of a cycle, loss, conclusion, sadness, transition into a new state, psychological transformation, finishing up, regeneration, elimination of old patterns, being caught in the inescapable, good-byes deep change.
Judgment (20) (2+0-2): Judgment, rebirth, inner calling, absolution, restart, accepting past mistakes/actions, release, forgiveness, end of repression, reconciliation, renewal, decision, salvation, new beginning, hope, redemption.
Red Jasper Powder - ??? A red stone, the powder of which can appear pink, red or orange, depending on the stone. Associated with physical strength, vitality and stability. Considered an excellent all-round wand core because of its reliability, it will not always be the strongest or fastest caster with an inexperienced magician, but will always work. In the hands of a capable user, an excellent and adaptable core. Believed to be often found with people who are logical, problem solvers and insightful. Particularly well suited to White magic.
Walnut - Common. Strong, versatile. Excellent all-around wand. Well suited to Hexes, Mental Magic and Protection Magic. Sometimes considered a more feminine wood. Meaning of hard fate and trickery. Some wandmakers claim this wood to be more aligned to Dark Magic, due to association of meaning. Others will say that it does better with an intelligent user, thus making it more likely to bond with Ravenclaws and Slytherin.