Rangiku-san was very good at snowball throwing, Utena discovered. She was so good at it, that Utena thought it was kind of deceitful of her to walk around the house, fall asleep in random places, and generally avoid doing any work. Actually, it was really deceitful. The woman chasing after her and pelting her in the back with snowballs was not the woman who was so lazy that she refused to make her bed half the time(her own bed! The nerve!) This Rangiku was a Rangiku on a mission.
"Tena-chan, you come back here right now so I can hit you!" Utena laughed, turned to run backwards long enough to blow a raspberry, and kept running.
"Che! Keep up, old lady Rangiku!"
When Rangiku finally caught up with her, grabbed her around the waist and dunked her in the snow, she had a bright, cheery thought: So this is what it's like, having a sister.