
Feb 16, 2005 13:00

I found this on my computer dunno when I wrote it but meh I havent wrote much here lately so here ya go.

Sarah was at the park down the street swinging in her favorite swing. She would reach to grab a cloud everytime she swung up but never got one. No one had the heart to tell her she was to short. It was time to go now (her mom was yelling at her across the park). She jumped out of the swing and started running toward her mother. Sarah hit a big fat rock and fell face first into the woodchips all over the ground. When she landed her eyes met a doll off under the slide. She walked over and picked it up. This doll had obviously seen better days and had obviously been abused by a few kids. So she brought it home and asked her mommy if they could fix it up. They gave it new buttons and new brown yarn hair and made some new doll clothing for it. We all know dolls dont have emotions but if they did this doll would have been very happy right about now. Sarah played with it for a few days straight. She took the doll to the park everyday and carried it around home and everything. One day Sarah left her doll at the park and didnt seem to notice. Now we all know that dolls dont have emotions but right about now this doll would be crying if it did. It rained that night and Sarah never came. A new day came and surely Sarah would be back for her doll, but yet again nothing. Sarah had found a new toy a new way to get along something else to distract her young mind. The doll well we all know that dolls dont have emotion but right about now if this doll had emotion it would all be stripped away. The new buttons faded, the hair got stringy, and the new clothes got tattered and worn.
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