Aug 06, 2005 16:52
Wow, so people are really stupid.
I've always been very straightedge - never was into drugs or alcohol or any of that.
And I'll admit, I've changed my opinion of alcohol. I'm not getting any further into that. But.
Pot..that's just absolutely retarded. What happened to you all? I mean, honest to effing god. I respected each one of you..but now, you've all just gone down the shithole. You could make something of yourselves, but no. You think you can't, so you're just..not. Getting your friends into the same shit as yourself.
I respected you for keeping a relationship with a girl when everyone was about getting some,
and then you for just..who I knew you to be,
and you cause you never let anything affect your decisions besides your own self.
All of you.. I don't get it. and maybe I never will. But I really do not respect a single one of you now. At all.
You told me you wanted me to respect you..well, I don't.