Thistles for tea

May 14, 2020 16:53

Yesterday we had thistles for tea (with salmon and chips). I had washed and chopped (but not de-prickled) the thistles and put the salmon steaks on top, and then baked the whole thing, so they were basically cooked in the salmon juices. The thistles were quite nice, but much better two weeks ago when the spikes were more tender. So that's now 3 types of weeds we are eating regularly (dandelions, thistles and stinging nettles). I can really recommend this if you have a garden - much less frustrating than growing vegetables and spending hours and hours coddling them, only to have your darling shoots eaten by slugs.

N2 wakes me up with helpful suggestions these days: "d'you want Lion King?" "D'you want bullerply?" (Butterfly) "mummay, d'you want eweflint?" (Elephant), and is code switching like a boss. So, Spanish imperative forms with English verbs (Papá, throw-a!), or Spanish diminutives on English nouns (Papá! Quiere breadito - want a bit of bread). N1 never really did this, so it's interesting. N1 would add Spanish-sounding syllables if he didn't have the word yet (Something like: "Papá ata el pan ata"). For a long time I was "el mamá", which pleased me a lot.

N1 has had his 3rd 3-4 days of fever since Kindergarten closed (mid March). I looked it up on mumsnet and am pretty sure he has some kind of periodic fever thing, as we've been so isolated the whole time. I believe N1 has had fever with either tonsilitis or mouth ulcers every 3-5 weeks since he was a year old.
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