Baby bear Knut

Mar 19, 2007 15:15

They want to kill Knut

Okay, maybe I'm an Idiot. Maybe I don't really understand this or maybe they are idiots but why kill a little bear just because his mother dosn't want him?
First of all the story: Once upon a time, the 4 december last year exactly, a little bear was born in the zoo of berlin. His name was, and hopefully is, Knut. His Mother didn't want him, so a keeper took care of him. He is still alive. If he's happy? How would I know? He's a bear.
Now animal-right activists want to kill him.
OK, maybe the put it in nicer words, but that's still what they want. They say, and with "they" I mean the activist Frank Albrecht, that Knut won't have a normal life like he would if his mother would take care of him. He won't learn how to hunt (a skill you really need in a zoo) he won't have any other bears around him (this still is a zoo with a polar bear bawn isn't it?) and he will be growing up around humans...Therefor he will be disturbed.
I say it again (and belive me, I will be saying it many times) maybe I'm an idiot, maybe somebody should explain it to me really carefully and really slow.
I just don't feel like it's a problem to let this little bear live.

I know polar bears are no pets, so it's not ok to keep them in an environment not appropiate to their species.
I know polar bears are no humans, so I can't just say, that there are enough disturbed humans and we let them live (I really hope that didn't come out wrong, I want them to live, every other thing would be wrong)

I just don't understand why this little bear should not have the same rights.

At least I don't think they will kill him. Now that his little cuddly face with his big black eyes was in the news, nobody would want the PR of killing Knut. But maybe I'm wrong and they will kill him, because they think it would be better to be dead than maladjusted. At least for bears. They killed another little bear whos mother didn't want him.
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