I saw a picture which instantly inspired me to write a short horror story. I wrote it for
7638 - who promptly ended our friendship. ): I lured her back with a baby animal pic, though! (:
The story is supposed to be a bit humorous which is why the language is somewhat overwrought! I don't have a title and I can't think of any specific warnings except for that it is, in fact, horror.
She shut and locked her bedroom door. Just two more hours. Through the panicked beating of her heart and the dreadful trembling of her limbs, that was what she thought. Soon, the rest of her family would be home. Then the sound of something dragging its way towards her wouldn't seem so real anymore. Then the blackness caused by the power outage wouldn't seem so suffocating. Then the sudden flashes of lightning and roar of thunder wouldn't make her want to scream in shock and fright.
There was nothing in the house. It was just because she was alone and in the darkness. It was playing on her fears. That was all. If she could just calm down, the next two hours would fly by. Even as she thought this, her eyes swung wildly about the room and she backed away from the door. It was then that she caught sight of something in her peripheral vision. A vision of happy childhood and security.
It was the shelf where she kept her photos of family and friends, her childhood jewelry box with the spinning ballerina on top, her baby shoes, and her beloved teddy bear. Charles, as she liked to call him, was a present given to her upon her birth by her doting grandparents. Although now a little worse for wear, Charles had been a beloved companion throughout her life. She didn't sleep with a teddy bear anymore, but Charles retained a place of importance on the shelf of her valued memories. A symbol of the family who loved and cherished her.
She was a little old for this, she knew that, but holding Charles had always made her feel better. Comforted her when she was sick or woken up from a nightmare, given her courage when she was afraid or unsure. She was already moving toward the shelf as these thoughts ran through her mind. It was just as she reached it that lightning flashed, providing a brief halo of illumination. What she saw made her mind go temporarily blank and her body freeze in stupefied dread.
Charles...oh, god, noooo!
Sound and awareness returned with the voice screaming in her head. She could not look away, could barely process what she was seeing but suddenly knew; with absolute certainty...
I can't get out of here. There is no escape.
Elsewhere in her empty home, the piano began to play. A haunting melody which blended harmoniously with the the warping of the house, the slow and gentle flow of blood down the walls, the cessation of the shuffling footsteps, and the opening of the bedroom door.