Jun 04, 2008 19:39
While out today, I contemplated all the things I could do with the new extras I spent the last couple of days acquiring and installing into OpenOffice. I used to spend much time editting documents in word processors and HTML editors, for casually readable print-outs. It wasn't until I had bins and shelves full of fat 3-ring binders several years later that I decided to be selective in what I printed, and even that petered out to nothing when I got a laptop and could read anything off of it anywhere. Anyway, the point is that I'm unfamiliar with word processors now.
Some interesting extensions that seemed must-haves were an alternative find/replace dialog--I'm not sure how useful Openoffice's regular one is, but from past experience, having a lot of choices would come in handy for converting HTML documents to smaller, readable formats. Also available were document template packs, for all sorts of occasions. A tool for simultaneously exporting one document to multiple formats would save a lot of time, since every time I work on my resume, I save it about 4 times so I can open it with any software on any computer: I've lost important documents before when trying to open a proprietary filetype on other-versioned software (and sometimes, the SAME version!), or a different operating system, from which I've learned the value of Keeping It Simple, Stupid :). Other interesting tools were a flash card creator, a suite of writer's tools and databases, and a quick-changer for templates. I don't intend to reprise my role as fanfiction publisher, but I'm trying to motivate myself to write more. Creative writing, fanfiction, journals, insightful articles, porn, brain-farts--anything that comes to mind, I want to get it out of my head and online.
Also spent some time organizing my livejournal tags. I'll be adding a lot of writing-scraps to my journal soon--original and fan fiction, daily journal entries--and it'll be a right mess unless they're properly categorized! I'm adding them to livejournal for archiving and accessibility, but not everything is ready for public consumption *o* Which would apply more if I had more visitors, but I'm hoping to fix that, too. I'm in so many communities, and I spend a hell of a lot of time replying in them, and carefully tracking those activities in my 'memories': My own journal is sparse in comparison, and little reflects how much time I actually spend on livejournal. Sucks. Anyways, the intention is to add more content to MY journal, and link to it from pertinent communities. Ugh, I dread cross-posting, as I'm not sure how to actually accomplish the damn thing. Do you really have to re-post your latest entry to each separate journal/community?! How tedious. And me without a good LJ client.
So, those are some of my plans for the next couple of weeks.
idle thoughts,