H/D Recs

Nov 22, 2006 05:57

10/21/17: Please comment here or message me on tumblr if you find a fic with a broken link or purged account. I can try my best to find it online or on my hard dive for you!

As of 2008, I do not have any of Maya's work on here as per her public request.

♥ = my top favs


A Consummation Devoutly to be Wished :: mirabella :: R
Um... dracoisaveelaandHarryishismate. Shut up.

Animal Attraction :: tari_sue :: NC17
A hex gone wrong turns Draco from one of the world’s most despised wizards into the Ministry’s most desirable Veela. Now all he has to do is learn to control Veela Allure gone haywire, try to find a cure and avoid Harry Potter in the mean time.

A Life More (or Less) Ordinary :: tari_sue :: NC17
Harry is working at St Mungo’s as a student nurse and finds himself becoming a bit too attached to one of the patients - a dying Veela who won’t let anyone close.

A Year's Temptation :: lomonaaeren :: NC17
post War, post Hogwarts. Draco isn't pleased to discover he's a Veela at twenty four, especially since both he and his mate, Harry, are married. Harry proposes a compromise that might work, or might make things monumentally worse.

Angels and Devils :: beren_writes :: NC17
Harry defeated Voldemort: his act of heroism is famous throughout the wizarding world. He’s trying to finish his final year at Hogwarts in peace, but something peculiar is happening to him, something he never would have expected. It's all rather embarrassing and making his life very complicated.

The Handsome Stranger :: dragon_charmer :: NC17 :: WiP
The war is over, Voldemort is dead and Harry gets on with his life. Six years later a stranger turns up at the Ottery St Catchpole Christmas Party.

Icarus Rising :: ryokoblue :: NC17
It's the final battle. Harry's on a warpath to destroy Voldemort, but what he finds is a former school rival long ago lost to the past. A former school rival who's no longer human.

Mate :: ladyvader :: NC17
My own twist on the 'Draco's a Veela' cliché. Draco's a Veela and does NOT want Harry... or does he?

My Veela!Draco Story :: mahaliem :: R
Draco is part Veela. Unhappy with his chosen mate, he searches for a substitute.

Partners :: megyal :: R
Draco (with glasses!) and Harry are assigned partners during Auror training; Veela!Draco with suddenly attracted and irritated!Harry.

Survival of the Species :: romaine24 :: NC17
Draco approaches Harry on the 9 ¾ platform, after their sons have boarded the Hogwarts Express, and invites him over for tea. The discussion they have leads them on an adventure that neither could have expected. HPDH compliant. [NOT exactly veela but it was close enough for me]

That Veela Thing :: empathic_siren :: R
Prompt: No. 20: Fluffy, post-war H/D - that's all - and extra points for veela!boy too!

The Veela Enigma :: jennavere :: R
What if some of Draco's ancestors, pretending to be purebloods, concealed the truth about their veela heritage? You'd end up with one very confused Draco Malfoy, who's fallen head over heels in love with Harry Potter and has no idea why.

The Veela Picture Book :: djinniyah :: R
ART! Veelamonsters = canon!love. ♥

Abide the Sleeper :: furiosity & imadra_blue :: NC17
Every hero, self-styled or otherwise, must undertake a quest, and Harry Potter's quest has already been set for him by those older and wiser than he. Where there is prophecy, there is also destiny, but there are forks in the dark path that Harry and his friends now walk. There are allies they know not, and enemies they'd know but for their smiles. There are lessons in the past that Harry would do well to learn, and guidance in the present from unexpected sources.

A Dark Place in Time :: cutecoati :: PG
What on earth was her son thinking, falling for Harry Potter of all people, Narcissa wonders. But after the death of her husband, she finds him useful in many, and sometimes surprising, regards.

After The Ballet Is Over :: lusiology :: NC17
"And I double dare you, Harry, to tell me right here, right now, what you fantasise about when you wank off in your little office."

All His Saints :: setissma :: NC17
It was eleven o’clock when Harry heard the knock on the door. He very nearly didn't answer.

All the Sincerity of a Whore's Kiss :: lucilla_darkate :: NC17
It was often said in the business that there wasn’t anything Draco Malfoy wouldn’t do...for the right price.

Alohomora Society: A Young Wizard’s Guide to Etiquette :: kestrelsparhawk :: R
The youngest Auror in the UK continues to make errors which are blighting his reputation. In desperation, Kingsley Shacklebolt makes a deal with a former Death Eater currently on probation: make Harry Potter fit for pure-blood society, and he will receive full pardon. Fail, and it’s back to Azkaban.

A Mile in His Shoes :: sansa1970 :: NC17
It's ten years after the war and a chance meeting on a small island changes Draco and Harry from who they've become into who they want to be.

Ancient Magic :: mw2127 :: R
Draco Malfoy watched all that he had left to live for, crumble in a green light. There was no one, nothing left for him. As he watched the trio celebrate their victory, he decided that he would make one last stand for pureblood’s, for Malfoy’s. This time, the killing curse slipped from his tongue like butter….but what should have been the end, was only the beginning. Just as a wand can not duel with its brother, a soul can not kill its mate. Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy will soon discover that nothing is more powerful than Ancient Magic.

Arctic Fox :: scrtkpr :: NC17
“Isn’t that Draco Malfoy? He keeps looking at you, Harry.”

Are You There, God? It's Me, Draco :: floweringjudas :: NC17
Harry and Draco are straight Aurors. Then they're gay teachers. It makes sense in context.

A Room with a View :: cutecoati :: NC17
The portraits at number twelve, Grimmauld Place have seen many strange things over the years, but none as strange as Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy staying under the same roof while there's a war going on outside.

Ask the Sea for Answers :: owens_mom :: R
Snape has a little too much champagne at Harry and Draco's wedding, and spills the beans on their complex courtship to a curious Remus Lupin.

The Astronaut Phase :: pushdragon :: NC17
With Ginny off adventuring, Malfoy turns up in London with a plan that involves illegal goods and indecent acts in public places. Harry investigates thoroughly.

A Thousand Yesterdays :: velvetblood_fic :: NC17
Draco has been captured by the Ministry after a Death Eater raid. He awaits punishment in his cell, but something is very wrong. Written pre-HBP.

Bad Company :: furiosity :: NC17
Throughout the war's duration, Harry had imagined a lot of things about its end. Just not this.

Black Coffee On A Lonely Night :: femmequixotic :: NC17
Draco owns a café in the city. Harry's a MP who comes in every morning, newspapers in one hand, BlackBerry in the other, and orders a triple espresso macchiato. [non-magical AU]

Before We Get Too Old :: tracy_loo_who & starlitshore :: R
Draco has less than a year to propose to and marry his girlfriend, Astoria, if he plans on keeping the family inheritance. Harry wants Draco to be happy, which wouldn't be a problem if he didn't actually want Draco himself.

Cain and Abel :: baby43 :: PG13
An unconcious Harry Potter recieves a visitor every night after he falls from his broom.

Capricho 43 :: kay_cricketed :: PG13
Crazy!Draco experimentation for opiumcoffeebean. Ashes and ashes, they all will fall down.

Closure :: juxiantang :: NC17
Old enemies meet again. [Harry's blind]

Contact :: kabeyk :: NC17
It's a purely business arrangement.

Corruptela Vox :: Constant Vigilance :: NC17
Draco’s kink is revealed. Pretty much a PWP.

Disintegrate :: rurounihime :: R
Draco has it all figured out: what he wants, what he needs. But some things are meant to be overturned.

Draco and the Not Potter :: Circe :: PG13
"What," he drawls, picking up a small knife, "do you suppose has happened to Harry Potter?"

Draco Malfoy and His Unknown Fate :: jitter_bug :: NC17
Due to a difference of opinion, Draco is disinherited by his father. He now has to make his own way in life.
Sequel: ♥ ♥ Draco Malfoy and His Happily Ever After [Multi-Chapter Fic!!]

Draco Under Glass :: pushdragon :: NC17
After the war, Harry tries to live a simple life, performing odd jobs. Until the day Draco Malfoy walks into a slow evening at the Leaky. Behind his silver-framed spectacles, Malfoy looks like a new man, but has he really changed?

E R I S E D :: aoifene :: NC17
Caught in the throes of war and revenge, Harry Potter desperately races to find Severus Snape. His chase leads him to his only clue: Draco Malfoy.
Sequel: D E S I R E

Erosmancy :: astolat :: R
Blaise was immune to whatever it was people usually felt around his mother, for which he was profoundly grateful, since no one needed an Oedipal complex on quite that spectacular a scale, but that didn’t mean he didn’t have a thorough respect for her gift.

Everte Statum :: Circe and Sparcck :: NC17
Harry is a Sex God. Draco is a Potions Genius. They collaborate.

Father of the Bride :: novembersnow :: NC17
Harry's little girl is getting married, and the identity of her chosen suitor is about to open up a world of complications-for better and for worse

Four Paper Dragons :: tracy_loo_who/sexts :: PG13
A series of snapshot scenes from their beginning.

Freudian Slip :: jennavere :: M
Two years after graduating from Hogwarts, Draco Malfoy is still obsessed with Harry Potter. Fed up, his father makes him get therapy.

Friend Like Me :: ladyvader :: NC17
Draco's rendition of the Love story that never was.

Good-bye to Yesterday :: furiosity :: NC17
Draco felt ready to face even a million years in Azkaban as long as it meant that at the end of it all, he would make Potter pay.

The Good Guys :: frayach :: NC17
The Second Voldemort War is limping into its fourth year, and the Forces of Shining Light are slowly turning into the Forces of Expedient Grey. When Draco Malfoy is captured red-handed trying to sell an illegal potion to a clerk at Borgin & Burkes, he is handed over to the Department of Essential and Necessary Truth’s newest interrogator. And as soon as he sees Malfoy, bound and waiting in his cell, Harry Potter knows he's in trouble. Deep trouble.

Good Shagging in Just Five Lessons :: confiteor_3 ::NC17
Harry needs lessons in sex and Draco is willing to teach. Only, more happens than just teaching.

Harry Potter and the Inconvenient Condition :: mirabella :: R
Harry returns from vacation with an unfortunate case of vampirism and must learn to cope with blood, Malfoy, and recalcitrant secretaries. And if that doesn't tell you everything about the plot you need to know, you haven't read enough badfic.

Harry Potter and the Magic of Mistletoe :: novembersnow :: PG13
A secret holiday gift precipitates fierce snogging and fiercer confusion.

Healthy Sportsmanship :: lizardspots :: NC17
Who'd have thought the worst part about being a Quidditch medic wasn't the stress and disgusting bodily fluids, but the ordeal of caring for the Cannons' star player Harry Potter?

Heavy Scene :: furiosity :: NC17
At Babylon, Thursday means Muggle night, but one of those nights is not like all the others. It all sort of goes pear-shaped from there.

High Priced :: dysonrules :: NC17
[veela!Harry and the cost of what comes with having Draco Malfoy as his soulmate]

House Proud :: astolat :: R
His house liked Draco Malfoy more than him.

Inexpert and Unexpected Things :: PG13 :: amalin
This isn't the end of things, it's only the beginning. Written for Reena's 15 Ways For Harry Potter To Hug Draco Malfoy And Live To Tell About It Challenge, only I read it the other way around. So consider this 15 Ways For Draco Malfoy To Hug Harry Potter, only there aren't fifteen.

Jeunesse Dorée :: furiosity :: NC17
The trouble with Draco was that he didn't talk like normal people. Everything was a riddle.

Kailash, When It Rises :: mirabella :: PG
Harry can't sleep.

Kiss A Boy In London Town (And Other Intimate Misadventures of A Society Whore) :: femmequixotic :: NC17
There's only one cardinal sin for a whore.

The Lady Vanishes :: ficlette :: R
Something added, and something removed. It's not about substitution.

Last Christmas :: crimson_stained :: PG13
Landing a job as Harry Potter’s new secretary, Draco finds that he has more to offer than a nice cup of coffee.

Leave Your Field to Flower :: emmagrant01 :: NC17
Draco Malfoy is like all the other Survivors of the disaster -- except for one called Harry Potter.

The Lodger :: mad_martha :: PG13
Harry takes in a lodger.

Love Like a Razorblade :: furiosity :: NC17
Like everything powerful, love is a weapon.

Man of the People :: Circe :: PG13
School elections at Hogwarts leave Draco furious.

Misuse of Muggle Artifacts :: scrtkpr :: NC17
Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy don't know each other as well as they think they do. When a disastrous attempt at courtship results in the shattering of their fragile trust, they still find themselves working together in a rush to protect their secrets, their friends, and their hearts.

More Than One Way :: reposoir :: NC17
Draco has an accident and is taken in by Harry Potter.

Mutual Interests :: Olivia Lupin :: NC17
The war has been over for exactly one year. Harry attends a special celebration and runs into an old adversary-turned-ally, Draco Malfoy. There’s conversation and dessert and the acknowledgement of long-denied attraction and lots of possibilities.
Worth the Wait Companion piece, Draco's POV.

Negotiations And :: mirabellafic :: NC17
Harry's never letting Hermione dress him again. Well, unless it results in him being paid to have sex with Draco Malfoy. Then it will probably be okay.

Ooh, Something Shiny :: starflowers :: PG
Stalked through the dungeons by a wild beanbag chair, Draco and Harry have no choice but to come to terms with their differences and work together to survive. Featuring sharp, pointy rocks of doom, rabid furniture, drunken mops, and kisses in broom closets.

Open Doors :: zionsstarfish :: PG
Harry Potter is dead. Or is he?

Out From Under :: _pinkchocolate :: NC17
When Draco catches Potter in a compromising position, he reacts in a way only a true Slytherin would.

Parallel Lives :: snottygrrl :: PG
Draco never believed he'd be glad to see Potter. post-war.

Perfect Day :: scrtkpr :: R
One day can change everything.

Playing House :: sansa1970 :: NC17
Harry is supposed to be safe with Snape. Things don't always go according to plan.

Powerful Men :: frayach :: R
The Battle of Hogwarts was lost, but after ten years of tyranny and terror, Harry Potter has finally defeated Voldemort. Slowly, those who suffered the most under Voldemort’s reign - the half-bloods, the Muggleborns and the blood traitors - emerge from their enslavement, literally and figuratively, seeking refuge and comfort and healing from a group of volunteers, organized by Harry’s friend Hermione Granger, working out of the half-ruined St. Giles-Without-Cripplegate Church. New friendships are kindled, laughter shared, and secrets spoken, and all the while a bell tolls. The final message from one man to another, whose deepest secret only now does he understand.

The Price We Pay for Wings :: frayach :: R
Books have the power to shape young lives. At least that is the hope of the anonymous author of a best-selling series about a Muggle boy and his best friend on the eve of a world war. But stories do more than just shape the future: they can redress the wrongs of the past as well. But only as long as it’s not too late...

Redemption :: ofscarletwoman :: NC17
Draco prefers to place his beliefs, hopes, and fears in the hands of someone real. He prefers to pour all of his passion and pain into devotion to one person. This person is his saviour, and he is real.

Redux :: furiosity :: R
Harry and Draco hate Valentine's Day. The feeling is mutual.

Ring A-Ring O'Roses :: melusinahp :: NC17
Some demons are harder to banish than others.

Rituals & Traditions :: amanuensis1 :: NC17
Draco shackled to a pillar. Harry wielding a sword. One goofy plot device. You do the math.

Single Wizard Seeking Same :: jennavere :: R
Lovelorn Draco has been secretly pining for Harry for months. He's finally forced into action when ex-boyfriend Blaise shows up. A gift!fic for Prof. McKitten starring an awkward, smitten Draco and a cameo by Harry's chest monster.

Snakes and Ladders :: scoradh :: M
Sixteen years since he last saw his former nemesis, Draco is filling Snape's old shoes with aplomb. History, though, has a nasty habit of repeating itself, as the arrival at Hogwarts of Harry's son turns Draco's comfortable existence topsy-turvy.

Still Life in Wood and Parchment :: scrtkpr :: PG13
Twenty-two years ago, Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy turned their backs on the life they could have had. But they haven't forgotten; and they haven't guarded their secrets closely enough.

Stop All the Clocks (This is the Last Time I'm Leaving Without You) :: firethesound :: NC17
Living with Draco was difficult; living without him is unbearable. But if there’s one thing Harry learned from the war, it’s that even when one life ends, the rest of the world goes right on living.

Stung :: pushdragon :: NC17
After the war, Draco perfects the art of losing his temper. Harry discovers a talent for provoking people, and the wildest stunt of all is asking Draco to marry him. A loose re-telling of "Taming of the Shrew" with duelling, mindless destruction, cross-dressing and lashings of crack.

Tissue of Silver :: fearlessdiva :: NC17
A love story concerning possessed furniture, black silk pyjamas, courtroom drama, premonitions of doom, assassination attempts, Death Eater yoga, absinthe, bare feet and a sensible werewolf.

Transfiguration :: resonant8 :: NC17
Five years after Voldemort's defeat, Harry returns to England to help re-open Hogwarts.
Read the DVD commentary track & story notes for Transfigurations

Twelve Seemingly Insignificant Moments That Change Everything :: snottygrrl :: R
Simple moments that might seem inconsequential are the building blocks of a greater whole.

Two Blokes, A Bike and A Biro :: yodels :: PG13
Out with the old, in with the new. Draco Malfoy’s got his life classified and catalogued, everything in its place. But, Harry Potter’s unexpected appearance at Hogwarts shakes up Draco’s organized world.

Under the Cold, Wan Moon :: slytherincess :: NC17
He does not seek war, but when attacked he knows better how to die than to surrender.

Under the Ivy :: coffeejunkii :: PG13
It is impressive how much you can learn about someone by simply sharing a few rooms. They don't spend time together, not really, but Harry still knows that Malfoy prefers raspberry jam over strawberry, that he hums along to the Wireless when he thinks no one is around, and that his leg is bothering him more than usual when the temperatures drop below freezing.

The Unexpected :: beren_writes :: NC17
Harry has jumped in with both feet to save someone as usual and neglected to check the small print. Luckily for him the plan only went wrong with Draco.

Vale Sanare :: rurounihime :: NC17
Draco’s world gains a new component, just when he thought he’d sorted everything out.

Vertigo :: legomymalfoy :: NC17
Draco gets more than he bargained for underneath the stands.

The Waters or March :: geoviki :: PG
Voldemort's final victim resides with the other spell-damaged wizards in St. Mungo's Hospital. Harry suffers survivor's guilt and finds an unusual beta. Cream-colored knee-high leather boots make a brief appearance.

Waiting for Darkness :: achiasa :: R

The Way of the World :: zionsstarfish :: PG
It's been a while. post-war.

West of Never Again :: furosity :: NC17
A lifetime of regret is sometimes only a day away.

The World of the Living :: fourth_rose :: R
A traumatised war hero and a convicted criminal under the roof of an eccentric journalist make for a rather odd ensemble, but Luna has never had a problem with oddities as long as they make sense.

Your Touch :: spark_of_chaos :: NC17
Can you distinguish love from hate, lust from indifference in the touch?

Chapter Fics
Ab Epistulis :: Autumn Lecroix :: NC17
15 yrs after Hogwarts, Draco owns a bookstore and ends up developing a correspondence with the author of his favorite novel. Humor, the abuse of a perfectly good lemon, renegade books, and those "good intentions" that go bad.

A Fruit Tree in Winter :: bryoneybrynn :: NC17
After failing in his task of killing Dumbledore, life doesn’t go as Draco expected. Sometimes just surviving takes everything you’ve got. And sometimes healing is something you can’t do alone. Story goes AU/AR from the end of Half-Blood Prince.

All Possible Worlds :: gafna :: R
3 part fic: Harry and Draco inadvertently fall through a magic mirror that reveals more about them than they ever wanted to know, changing their relationship forever. HBP compliant.

An Issue of Consequence :: faithwood :: NC17
Draco has woken up in an alternate universe. Or he has woken up utterly insane. Nothing else can possibly explain why Harry Potter suddenly seems to think he's Draco's boyfriend.

A Reckless Frame of Mind :: lomonaaeren :: PG13
HPDM preslash, AU post-war, no DH spoilers. Draco is a Psyche-Diver, and his newest patient is Auror Potter, who’s been a pathological liar for over a year-and has just tried to violently end his own life.
Sequel: A Determined Frame of Mind

A Slytherin in Gryffindor Clothing :: mahaliem :: R
Draco hits his head and wakes to find himself in another world where he's a Gryffindor and Harry Potter is a Slytherin.

A Thousand Beautiful Things :: geoviki :: R
Draco Malfoy struggles with changed fortunes, shifted alliances, an ugly war, and an unusual spell, with the help of a concerned professor, an insightful house-elf, and an unexpected Gryffindor friend.
Sequel : Delicate Sound of Thunder

Bad Faith :: jadntonic :: NC17
Four years after Dumbledore's death, Draco Malfoy shows up on the doorstep of number twelve, Grimmauld Place looking for Harry Potter. Torn between his selfish cowardice and his family's pride, Draco finds himself alone on a battlefield and has nowhere else to turn; and Harry has to learn that sometimes you don't put up walls to keep other people out, but to see who cares enough to break them down.

Beautiful World :: starflowers :: R
Draco is afraid of living and Harry is afraid of dying, but sometimes the choice isn't offered. Draco's got to learn what it is to really live, while showing Harry how beautiful the world really is when you're not too scared to see it.

Before Peace :: furiosity :: NC17
post-war, year 7, set at Hogwarts. There isn't an overall summary just yet, just little chapter summaries :)

Blood & Nails :: Calmardaa :: R
Would you kill for it? Die for it? What would you do for love and would it do in return? Would it save you from yourself?

Bond :: Anna Fugazzi :: NC17
Yet another one of those Harry And Draco Are Forced To Be Together By Something Beyond Their Control And Then Stuff Happens Leading To Twoo Wuv stories. Because every HD writer has to write at least one.

Break and Return :: dracofiend :: NC17
Harry succumbs to Draco's charms, then comes upon his new love caressing Pansy Parkinson at the edge of the Forbidden Forest. After breaking Draco's heart, Harry learns the price of jealousy.

Building With Worn-Out Tools :: lomonaaeren :: R
Right smack in the middle of a stormy divorce from Ginny, Harry has no reason to be attracted to his Arguer, Draco Malfoy. I mean, it’s Malfoy.

The Business of Saving Souls :: rurounihime :: NC17
Draco’s world is filled with ghosts, and not all of them are so easily banished.

Checkmating :: mahaliem :: PG13
In hopes of convincing Voldemort supporters to change sides, Ron decides that he and Harry should pair off with Slytherins.

The Cicatrix Cycle [Origins|Haven|Belong|Quiescent] :: ivyblossom :: R
Harry and Draco discover a new element of their relationship, and Harry learns that Draco might not be as keen to be a Death Eater as everyone had thought. Can Harry save Draco? Can Draco avoid betraying Harry?
Extras : Breathe | Innocence
[Okay, this is complicated. First, to access some of the fics you need a password, which you can here. All of the sections are in different places hence the separate links]

Currency :: blythe & circe :: NC17
Harry wasn't at school any more, nor was he fifteen. He was a successful merchant banker with a flat to die for and an owl who loved him. He wasn't going to get into a pissing match with a stick-fiddler who'd always driven him mad.

Danse Russe :: frayach :: NC17
It features (calanthe_fanfic's Mudhoney) Trilogy’s version of Harry and Draco and takes place approximately ten years after the events depicted in the Trilogy’s final story, Spare The Rod, so in that sense it could be considered a sequel of sorts.

Different Worlds :: profmckitten :: NC17
AU-Draco is sent to Durmstrang for the first five years of his schooling. How ever does he and Harry end up together?

Draco's Boy :: empathic_siren :: R
non-magic AU. A mysterious little black-haired boy moves in next door to Draco, and he's determined to make the boy his friend and find out all of his secrets. Later, when they grow up, Draco's determined to make Harry much more than a friend.

Dragon Tamer :: jennavere :: R
Desperate to avoid an arranged marriage, Draco gets Harry to pretend to be his boyfriend. An epic romantic farce with snogging, snarky boys, singing, sex-gods, and a bunny named Draco Lucius Malfoy the Third. Now revised and uncensored!

Earthbound Spook :: crawfords_lover :: PG13
Harry has no reason to like or trust Draco Malfoy. The fact that Malfoy has already died once shouldn't change that.

Eclipse :: mijan :: R
You're dead, Potter... I'm going to make you pay..." Draco swore his revenge on Harry for Lucius's imprisonment, and Harry all but laughed at him. But Draco is planning more than schoolyard pranks this time. The old rivalry turns deadly when Draco abducts Harry for Voldemort. It's the perfect plan, guaranteeing revenge, power, and prestige, all in one blow. But, when Draco's world turns upside down, the fight to save himself and Harry begins, and the battle will take them both through hell and back. If they come back. Post-OotP.

Eternally Consistent :: kitsunealyc :: R
Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter assumed they would never be anything but civil enemies, until Potter lands on Malfoy's doorstep, bleeding, covered in curses, and acting very strangely indeed.

Finding Harry :: kit84 :: NC17
"In hindsight, the first time Draco realised something was wrong with Harry Potter and Terry Boot’s relationship was the night their Auror Results came in..."

Freaks and Geeks :: Hello Moto :: R
Au Non Magic. Draco Malfoy was born deaf, and now he is being forced to go to a boarding school in New England for the first time. Things aren't going his way. Then he meets Harry Potter, a boy with more than his fair share of secrets.

Gay Aurors :: charlotteschaos :: NC17
Episodic crackfic: Draco Malfoy mysteriously returns to London a badass and is partnered up with a very grumpy and very gay Harry Potter.

Hall of Mirrors :: ella_bane :: NC17
In the summer before Harry Potter's sixth year, he confronts a frightfully suspicious wizarding world, where friends are strangers, mirrors hide secrets, and enemies become lovers.

Hardly Working :: 1ightning :: R
Harry's desire to work with dragons is a liability, and unfortunately this seems to be Draco's problem.

The Heart of the Matter :: jadntonic :: R :: WiP
AU ending to HBP. Pairings: various, het & slash, eventually H/D. Aka, one of many takes on What Would Have Happened If Draco Had Lowered His Wand A Bit Sooner.

I Give You A Wondrous Mirror :: lomonaaeren :: NC17
Harry is too busy ten years after the war to help out just one family, but that's exactly what he has to do. And as he hunts their enemy, magic no one understands is hunting him.

Indago :: lddurham :: NC17
A missed potion reveals a secret about Draco and Snape and Harry finds out his own place in their sexually charged and animalistic hold. Will he be able to adjust to this final battle for a peaceful life?
Sequels: Indago: Reborn & Indago: 3

Interregnum :: furiosity :: NC17
Without contraries there is no progression. Attraction and repulsion, reason and energy, love and hate, are necessary to human existence.

Interview with the Hero :: scoradh :: R
At the age of twenty-five, Draco is confronted with the past he'd rather not remember and the questions that still need answering. Still, a little Slytherin guile goes a long way. The only problem is that he might discover more than he bargained on about the people he thought he knew.

Intrepid Teenage Hero :: jennavere :: NC17
To save wizardkind from falling into the Dark Lord’s evil clutches, intrepid teenage hero Harry Potter embarks on a dangerous quest: infiltrating Malfoy Manor and getting information from Draco using highly unorthodox methods. POST HBP

Irresistible Poison :: iscaris :: PG13
Under the influence of a love potion, Draco learns that poison doesn't always bring death -- there are other ways to suffer and live.

Just Another Recollection :: mishaphappens :: NC17
Based on 50 First Dates and insane conversations with freaky_zero on MSN. Draco’s short-term memory is destroyed from Harry’s dueling spell, causing him to wake up every morning like it’s just the next day. When, in fact, it has been three years. We come in on the morning that Draco wakes up early and finds a Mister Harry Potter in his bed...

The Killing Moon :: inkandfakefurs :: NC17
Harry Potter's saving-people-thing is set to become the bane of Draco Malfoy's life - alongside Dark Lords, werewolves, ex-teachers, Horcruxes and not-dead-enough ancestors. Set post-HBP.

Laocoon's Children :: sam_storyteller :: R
Ten years ago, Lucius Malfoy got to Peter Pettigrew before Sirius could, and the universe changed. Sirius spent years watching from a distance, until one day, when Harry was eight, he took Harry from the Dursleys. After two years in hiding, Harry returned to the Wizarding world to attend Hogwarts, only to find himself once more at risk -- once more facing Peter Pettigrew, who would like nothing better than to see Harry dead in the service of resurrecting Voldemort.

Follow Harry and his friends -- brave Neville, clever Padma, and shy Draco -- as they are caught up in the battle for dominance between the Order and the Death Eaters.
Prequel : Stealing Harry [This is mainly a Remus/Sirius fic but it explains a whole lot about Harry in Laocoon's. I highly encourage you to read Stealing Harry first!]
Sequels : Laocoon's Children, Year Two & Laocoon's Children, Year Three

Left My Heart :: emmagrant01 :: NC17
Post-Hogwarts. Auror Draco Malfoy has disappeared, and Harry Potter has been sent to find him.
Sequel : Surrender the Grey

The Logic of Dreams :: frayach :: NC17
J.K. Rowling meets Philip K. Dick. War hero Harry Potter suddenly finds himself guilty of a murder he hasn’t committed of a man he has never met. And worst of all, he has no means of confronting his accusers, all of whom are former Death Eaters. Could this be a set-up? Or something even worse?

Love Under Will :: bookshop :: R :: ABANDONED...but still a classic.
In their 5th year, Harry and Draco choose to be with one another; but the story -- and the battle -- is just beginning...

Momenti Diversi :: zarah5 :: NC17
In which you'll find the Italian sun, some sexual tension, a reluctant Harry and a persuasive Draco. (Post-Hogwarts, aftermath of war.)

The Most Acceptable Hypocrisy :: furiosity :: PG
A five part drabble series showing the way Harry and Draco fell in love.

My Old Ways :: derryere :: NC17
In trying to become a better person, Harry seeks the help of a certain professional.

Oath Breaker :: kc_anathema :: R
Draco-centric. Takes place...oh, sometime after OotP. Seventh year, most like. [Excellent and unique story mainly based from Draco's side of things. Devels into Dark Magic and probably the most canon-like depiction of Draco with a small side of AU. A massively underrated story and a must-read ♥]
Sequel: Oath Breaker II: Dawn and Twilight WiP

Obligations :: zionsstarfish :: R
Desperate times; Desperate measures. [vampire!Draco fic]
Obligations: Part II & III

Obscurity of Love :: mony2208 :: R
Haunted by memories of the war, Harry can't move on with his life. He feels left behind and lacking that one thing his mother saved him with all those years ago … Love. With all his friends already finding love, will Harry allow a mysterious, obscured figure into his life and into his heart?

On the Last Day of Our World :: sansa1970 :: R
During a detention, Harry and Draco get locked in a strange room together overnight. When they escape the next morning, they discover they are alone. Love, angst and adventure abound as they struggle to survive in an empty world.

Oscilliate Wildly :: Marks :: NC17
After a particularly gruelling Occlumency session, Harry practically comes apart at the seams and finds himself living partway between two lives. One is his life at Hogwarts. In the other, he's been in a mental institution for the better part of six years. What happens when Harry realises his whole life may be one elaborate fantasy?

♥ Paying the Piper :: sansa1970 :: R - no longer available but I have this fic saved. comment on this post & I can email it to you!
AU, Non-magic. One small town, two murders and countless suspects. Police Chief, Severus Snape, and his reluctant side-kick Draco Malfoy must discover the truth behind the crimes before anyone else loses their life. Circumstances become even more complicated when new kid in town, Harry Potter, turns out to be the biggest mystery of all. Prepare for murder, intrigue and suspense.

Queen of Hearts :: cynicalpirate and scoradh :: NC17
A spectre is haunting Harry -- the responsibility of his destiny. It looms over his future and, more importantly, over the future of his friends. Harry is determined to exorcise this spectre for the greater good, but on the way, he enters into a few unholy alliances...

Radiance: or, the circular chronology of love :: djinniyah :: R
ART! Poem by Christine Strelan

Reparo :: amalin :: NC17
Voldemort's final defeat does not mean Harry Potter's troubles are over; far from it. In the aftermath of war, he returns to a Hogwarts that is fractured and divided, but this is no break that can be fixed with a spell. New owls, fading scars, surprising alliances-- and along the way, the hardest task of all, to live with it..

Resolution :: dragon_charmer :: R or NC-17 :: WiP
res-o-lu-tion, noun -- solving of doubts, problems, questions etc. The Concise Oxford Dictionary.
When you've spent six years fighting evil, all you really want is a quiet time. But when your name is Harry Potter the chances of that are very slim. A series of vignettes chronicling Harry's final six months at Hogwarts. Exams, friends, lovers, Quidditch, the war and Draco all conspire to make the year end seem a very long way away.

The Road :: rurounihime :: R
In the midst of a disintegrating war, Harry awaits the arrival of the Order’s last hope.

Safe House :: profmckitten :: NC17
Harry and Draco get locked in a safe house for their own protection.

Same Time, Next Year :: Olivia Lupin :: PG13
Draco Malfoy is Sorted into Gryffindor upon arriving at Hogwarts...no one--most especially Draco--is especially happy about this...but Harry tries to help. The fic depicts only the first night of the new school year each year.

Seamus is Seamus and You are Yourself :: ari_munami :: PG13
Harry goes through some er... changes in his Sixth Year and everyone, including Draco Malfoy, sits up and takes notice.

The Secret Life of Shadowmen :: calanthe_fics :: NC17
Being wizarding Britain’s most famous Auror isn’t all about defeating Dark Lords and saving the world. Sometimes it’s about low-priority stakeouts, rediscovering old acquaintances, and learning things about yourself you might be better off not knowing.

Sex Magic :: velvetblood_fic :: NC17 :: WiP
In Harry's seventh year, an unexpected subject pops up on his schedule. Pre-HBP AU.

Seven Days in June :: fourth_rose :: R
The war is over. The dust has settled; the survivors are moving on. The hero is finally allowed to go on leave.

The Shadow of His Wings :: mirabella :: R WiP
In which Evil faces an insurrection, Good faces an unexpected betrayal, and Harry means to find out which side Draco is on.

Sin For Me :: furiosity :: R
Harry never expected the peace to last forever. Dumbledore taught him better than that. He just didn't expect the next war to begin less than a month after Voldemort died. Never would he have dreamed that it would be a man's personal war against a system. The wizarding world was that system, and Harry was that man.

Snatch :: didntyoupotter :: PG13
Harry is comatose, Hermione and Ron aren’t much help, and Draco isn’t sure about anything anymore.

Some Kind of Beautiful :: nothingbutfic :: R
Understanding is a three edged sword. There's your side, their side and the truth, and the sword cuts keenly all three ways. This is nothing more than just another side to the story, but in the end, no matter which side one believes, it all comes down to love.

Stain of Silence :: brummell :: R
After the war, Draco serves out his sentence in Harry Potter's house.

Starts With a Spin :: maxine_chan :: R
It started with the spin of a bottle, and now Harry and Draco have gotten themselves so far into their own game there's almost no way out again. Except to keep playing.

Tea and No Sympathy :: who_la_hoop :: NC17
It's Potter's fault, of course, that Draco finds himself trapped in the same twenty-four-hour period, repeating itself over and over again. It's been nearly a year since the unpleasant business at Hogwarts, and Draco's getting on with his life quite nicely, thank you, until Harry sodding Potter steps in and ruins it all, just like always. At first, though, the time loop seems liberating. For the first time in his life, he can do anything, say anything, be anything, without consequence. But the more Draco repeats the day, the more he realises the uncomfortable truth: he's falling head over heels for the speccy git. And suddenly, the time loop feels like a trap. For how can he ever get Harry to love him back when time is, quite literally, against him?

Tempus Fugit :: Poison Pen :: R
A monumental cock-up in Potions means that Harry and Draco have more to contend with than mutual enmity. A journey of discovery, self-reflection and love.

That Which Divides Us :: oldenuf2nb :: NC17
Three years after what would have been their seventh year at Hogwarts, the war between the forces of light and Voldemort's minions grinds on. But even within the ranks of the Order of the Phoenix there are vast disagreements over what is good for 'the Chosen One' and his volatile relationship with Draco Malfoy has many on edge. Sometimes even the best intentions can reap disaster.

Their Kind of Forever :: furiosity :: NC17
The final part of Harry's Auror training forces him to walk the line between truth and lie, between the wizarding world and the Muggle world, between the life he thought he'd have and the disappointing reality. And through it all, he finds unexpected solace in a most unlikely person's company.

Then Comes A Mist and A Weeping Rain :: faithwood :: NC17
It always rains for Draco Malfoy. Metaphorically. And literally. Ever since he had accidentally Conjured a cloud. A cloud that's ever so cross.

There's Always One More Sheep Around the Corner :: coffeejunkii :: R
Oddly enough, war-worn Harry finds solace among green hills, deep clear lakes and a herd of woolly, sweet, but very stupid sheep. He is also the keeper of a very lovely and secluded B&B. Enter Draco.

Thicker Than Blood :: corvetteclaire :: PG13
It is Harry's sixth year at Hogwarts, and Voldemort has returned to full power. The Death Eaters lay siege to the castle, trapping everyone inside. Draco is injured, Harry gets roped into saving his life, Crabbe shows unexpected resourcefulness, Dumbledore gets his way (as usual), and life is complicated for Harry. But then, life is always complicated for Harry, and adolescence only makes it worse.
Sequel : Adamant and Starlight

Things That Change :: eutychides (alias of reposoir) :: NC17
After Hogwarts, everything changes. [This fic single-handedly changed my view on this type of fanfiction forever. The entire story is beautiful so don't let the beginning sway you at all.]

Time Out of Place :: Cosmic :: R
Harry wakes up with a throbbing head, but he soon realizes that a headache is the last thing he has to worry about. Suddenly, he is thrown into a world that is much like his own -- yet at the same time very different. Visions, Voldemort, potions, poison, fun, adventure and romance follow. And what part does Draco play in it all?

To Go Where Dreaming Goes :: nothingbutfic :: NC17
There is also love in the world.

Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow :: novembersnow :: PG13

In the war-torn years after Hogwarts, one man has no knowledge of his yesterdays.
Prequel : Tomorrow

Two Playboys on the Pitch :: profmckitten :: NC17
Harry's a famous Quidditch player. Draco's the Healer for a Quidditch team. They're both known for their wild ways, but what happens when these two playboys meet after several years apart?

Unintended :: furiosity :: NC17
Every little thing between them had been unintended, accidental, fortuitous.

Unkissed Kisses & Songs Never Sung :: femmequixotic :: R
I sit silently in the shadows, staring at the tiny, pulsing ball of light that tells me my Harry’s still alive.

Vertigo :: jennavere :: R :: WiP ABANDONED.
When a mission for the Dark Lord goes completely wrong, Draco Malfoy ends up in the very last place he expected. Post HBP.

Very Midsummer Madness :: pushdragon :: PG13
I thought stealing the plot of Twelfth Night would be a good excuse for twin Harrys, shipwrecks, boys disguised as girls, Draco carrying a riding whip and Ginny flouncing around as a duchess. It was. Shakespeare's themes of the paramountcy of love and the shortness of time are still there under all the fluff and Draco does look good in doublet and breeches. Warnings: Snape wearing his yellow stockings cross-gartered and under-use of the word "buttock". Lashing of slash.

Walking the Line :: silentauror :: NC17
Sixth year is over and Draco Malfoy is on the run. The war is on and an unwanted assignment is forced upon him by the only people he trusts - and a one-time arch-enemy just may be out to kill him.

We Are Young (I'll Carry You Home Tonight) :: femmequixotic :: NC17
Harry and Draco have been falling into bed on and off again since the last election five years ago, much to the amusement--and financial gain--of their circle of friends. But when Harry agrees to work with Draco to put Kingsley Shacklebolt into the Minister's office, they can't work side-by-side again every day and sleep together; that would be courting disaster. Wouldn't it?

Welcome to the Broom Closet :: janicechess :: NC17
Harry thinks he knows how his life will go: Become an Auror. Marry Ginny. Have a family. But then he sees an advertisement in the paper that no one else can see, and his life is turned upside-down. The Broom Closet: you can be anyone you want while you're there, but you won't remember it in the morning.

What We Pretend We Can't See :: gyzym :: R
Seven years out from the war, Harry learns the hard truth of old history: it’s never quite as far behind you as you thought.

Where Draco is A Statue :: simmyschtuff :: NC17
Five years after the war with Voldemort, and things happen! Ooh!

Windfallen :: starflowers :: R
A new Unforgivable is spreading like wildfire and only Harry Potter is immune to its power, and only he can soothe its effects. When Draco is hit by the curse and left for dead by his own side, a misguided sense of duty compels Harry to care for him, and in doing so, he learns more than he ever thought possible about nightmares, hatred, love, and above all, the true nature of forgiveness. Harry/Draco, semi-consensual Charlie/Harry, Ginny/Lucius, and Ron/Ginny. Post-Hogwarts, post OotP, and very dark.

Written on the Heart :: who_la_hoop :: R
Harry doesn’t mind that so many Slytherins from his year have returned to finish their NEWTs, really he doesn’t. It’s just - do they have to be so friendly? He’s not prejudiced, really he’s not. It’s just - they’ve got to be up to something, right? Unnerved by the attention he’s attracting from everyone - the Slytherins are the least of it, to be fair - and struggling with a raft of changes to Hogwarts itself, Harry wishes he could be happy that one constant remains: Draco Malfoy really fucking hates him.

When he’s hit by an illegal love-spell though, Harry finds he has more to worry about than whether or not Blaise Zabini actually wants to be his friend. For if everyone affected has been blessed - or cursed, by the look on Malfoy’s face - with a magical tattoo revealing the name of their soulmate, what does it mean that Harry’s skin remains completely bare?


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