(no subject)

May 26, 2009 02:35

Now that Mr. Haro's gone back to his rightful owner, I've been thinking of having a new pet around here for Anew and I. It's more for myself than Anew, since ever since I quit my job, I've been sitting around here a lot. That's the problem with having a girlfriend who's a genius and good at everything. It makes you get lazy. Of course, I haven't just been a couch potato the last couple of weeks. I've gone out and spent the money she's earned. I've gotten rather good at picking out the right groceries from the store, and I've even picked up how to cook a couple of new dishes. They aren't complicated, but Anew's the genius chef on top of everything else.

I do hope to one day get better, of course! If I'm going to be a proper house-boyfriend who cleans up and does the dishes, I'll need to have dinner on the table when she comes home. And not just the smell of something having burnt not too long before she comes home.

(I've gotten rather good at airing out the apartment when there's smoke, though.)

As it is, I'd like to hear about everyone else's pets. While I go on trying to figure out the right friend to keep me company on these lonely days while she's gone, I would like something to read. Good stories, pictures, anything would be nice. If I don't get a pet, I might resort to writing bad poetry about how I've gone to university in a brilliant program and just have turned into a bum. And while I'm not a bad writer, I don't think anyone could make that sound good. So, encouraging stories, or even discouraging. If there's something bad, don't hide it: I need to be prepared, after all.

my girlfriend is hotter than yours, good-bye mr. haro, cooking is a bad activity okay

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