So vacation was amazing!For those of you who didnt know carley came along with me and my parents! The drive down there included nothing but sleep. When we got there, it was STRAIGHT TO THE BEACH. We dicided to take a nice walk and go figure no more than 10 minutes passes and were being followed. Boys boys boys! Egh, decide to see who this kids friends are and we end up talking to them for awhile. We exchange numbers and hang out that night. *wow car, we're good* We went out to eat at Robertos which SUCKED big time. Came home and hung out with Taylor, Bj, and Seth on the back deck for awhile. mmmm taylor<3
The next day consisted of lots of tanning, just like everyother day and whatever else we came up with.
Hung out with the boys again, but this time they were a little tipsy, all the more interesting!
ummm lets see...
One night we hooked up with the boys from WA in myrtle at there place on the fourth. That was a good time.
Carley and i also went shopping at Barefoot and i got a 20 dollar bracelet. AHHHH. and she got flip flops. I was bummed. There were boys there who wanted to take us to their apartment for some drinks too. hahaha No thank you. I thought that was a funny way of TRYING to pick up girls. So that shopping trip served no purpose.
What else... what else... carley got mad sick on the 2nd to the last day. I was on my own! That really sucked! so me and my parents went out to eat, yeayyyy. Good news: im going on a Sr. trip. Hahaha Yeah i didint think id be allowed cause my dad was bad mouthing the boys and their booze.
But we drugged carley up and she was fine the next day. We had SUCh an amazing time, im not even going to begin to tell about what all went on. Id be here for days.
Update: No nate for more than a week. Pissed about phone calls back or texts, nothing. But what the fuck ever! im done messing with that shit.
John called me!!!!! Were supposed to chill tonight but i donno if thatll happen cause im a little... i dont know the word. But im really happy about that, i missed him so fucking much. Annnnd were getting married someday =D yea thats right!
Annnd last but not least carleys staying with me for another week. haha lucky her right! her family left for stone harbor yesterday so they'll be gone for awhile! oh the trouble were going to get in!
she wasnt a happy camper
my messy messy bed
and our room.... EEK
me the rock and my hoochie shorts
and gorgeous Taylor<3