Apr 30, 2006 15:59
ohhhh what a weekend lemme say that much =)
Friday* after school i came home n talked to steph and then i went to my dads and then i came back out here and got her..and i dont really remember much of what we did except for the fact that around 9pm my mom calls and was like MADALYN get home NOW im like omg what did i do now. lol ok well i guess teri's dad had showed up at my house and said that me n steph drove past there 5 times. it was only 3 and its MY SUBDIVISION too assholes, and i GUESS we screamed fucking slut out the window. bitchhhh pleasee. you cant call someone a fucking slut if they dont get any and second of all we didnt even say anything in the first place because we saw her dad outside. ok so me n steph go back to my house and stephs mom and ricky come over..and were sitting here talking about this shit and me and stephanie are laughing so hard were like jumping up and down and pretty much about to piss our pants. so whatever steph went home with her mom and i went back to my dads house. told my dad the story. he told me to kill her and he said some other stuff about some other people. 2 people in general. lol because i sat there n told him some other stories. and then i talked on the phone with steph for a little and went to bed
Saturday* got up and got the bitch again ;)lmao i love you steph. and we drove around and shit and went to panera and stuff like we do all the time and we picked up dino and pretty much drove around forever and we went to barrymores and rode the go karts!! lmao omg that was sooo much fun. dino hit stephanie and her kart stopped working hahahaha!!! we went to get pizza and starbucks because were amazing. then we dropped dino off and me n steph went to my dads house and we saw paul so he followed us and then we got a lil somethin somethin while we were there ;) lmao oh man me n steph chugged that bitch. ok then we we got nikki and went to coney and olgas. lmao and then got gas n stuff then headed out to gratiot. oh shitttt then met up with paul n matt. and we threw bagels at them so they threw strawberries and then we threw the first egg and they got eggs. and yeah omg it was nutsss. my car was trashed. lol and me n steph had egg all over us, and i guess steph got matt with an egg. ok and this part is crazy. we dropped nikki off and matt called steph and she said that i dropped her off 2 minutes ago, but i swear they know us too well because they were wating outside matts house for us to get there and then they got us again. lol it was hilarious. like we didnt care we were covered in egg. we ddint care my car was trashed it was just hilarous. so i dropped steph off around 1 and got home like 15 minutes later or whatever.
today* steph woke me up again like she did ALL weekend. went over there and cleaned my car. that only took us a couple hours. went n got panera and stuff then dropped her off and now im back here about to clean my room and do my homework and then wait for the policeee to get here. ewww pretty gay. lol but ugh all you mother fuckers are pretty much fucked ;) =)
next weekends gonna be even better =D