Past Status

Nov 15, 2007 17:42

Xbox 360-ing it up.
I'm enjoying Assassin's Creed and Call of Duty 4.

AC is hella big, game world wise. I've been just doing the storyline just to get the skills and weapons then I'll explore more of the map.
They're beggars in the cities that always like to get in your way and that pisses me off..So a nice Stealth kill (stab to the throat) takes care of them. I don't even care that I lose life for a bit since it's just so rewarding lol.

As for COD4, my bro's been ranking up via online games so we got this nice perk called "Double Tap" that makes guns/semi automatics fire twice as fast and I've just been tearing people up with the M16.

Anyways, when I picked up AC, I forgot that I was supposed to get the Artbook for free and I had to go back up there and get it xD. Thankfully gamestop let me, I even got the Strategy guide (10% off too since I asked for the deal when you buy the game and the Strategy guide) And the employee's let me get it.

Anyways, that's what's up with me. I plan to download Final Fantasy XII Revenant Wings (english version) for my DS soon too.

Damn it, theres to many great games coming out lol

past status 360 x360 xbox ac assassins c

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