Jun 07, 2006 00:03
So I finally got to hold my diploma in my hands. It was really cool to get to see my friends from school that I haven't seen since work started and it was awesome to know that I really did it. It feels like a big "SO THERE!" to all those people who trried to put me down and tell me I wasn't going to get anywhere. But to be honest, mostly I feel prous cause I'm setting an example for my son that I can be proud of, and working hard to give him a better life.
I invited Evan, my parents, my sister and Evan's mom and stepdad. Ethan stayed at home with Evan's sister. I would have brought him but it was late and long and he would have been bored out of his mind, poor kid. Our family made up for it though -they all hooted and hollered when they announced my name :) And then proceeded to do the wave lol
I graduated Summa Cum Laude, which just sounds cool lol It means "with highest honour" and I think I was the only one in my department that got it. It means your DGPA is 9.0 or higher. Neat-o.
Evan didn't take any pictures, but his step-dad took a ton, which I will hopefully be receiving soon. Ethan keeps asking to see them. He knew I was going somewhere nice cause mommy never wears a dress lol
Another thing that was pretty cool - the Governer General of Canada recieved an honourary doctorate at my convocation ceremony, and I got to shake hands with her when I went on stage. But the best part was that I didn't trip, stumble or fall!! Go me :)
P.S. I could elaborate on my previosu post regarding men and how they are not my favourite people but it's past midnight, my laundry should be dry (finally!) and I need to get some sleep cause I work bloody early in the AM. I'll save it for another day lol