Title: Drawing
Character: Little!Megamind and little!Roxanne
I thought Megamind as a kid was the cutest thing ever and I do wonder what would have happened if Roxanne and him had gone to the same school.
Title: Ice Cream
Fandom: Symbionic Titan
Characters: Ilana/Lance
Galaluna doesn't have ice cream :|
I love this show.
Title: Prom
Fandom: Symbionic Titan
Characters: Ilana/Lance
This is awkward because they're posing as brother and sister LOL.
Title: Do you know you're my guardian angel?
Fandom: Time Travelers book series (AKA The Gideon trilogy)
Characters: Peter/Kate
LOVE this series. The ending broke my heart a bit D:
Sorry for the fanart dump. It's been a while... :D