
Dec 14, 2009 15:08

Turn and face the strange...CH CH CHANGES!

Ok that aside. I am posting about changes with my designs, how things are going, and will potentially go in the future.

Currently I am working my ass off making my Sci Fi line for the April 30th ABDUCTION:2010 show. It is going to be AMAZING, and Im very proud of the designs so far. Im getting a lot more improvement on the following: Finding and organizing models, sketching fashion illustration, my actual sewing for the small amount of supplies I have, the creative and professional manipulation of objects into garments, MASKMAKING ^.^, Organizing finances for shows, planning for the garments themselves, pimping my ideas, boundless creativity (but almost to a fault >.<), finding inspiration and more to come I hope.

I am trying to get enrolled in the Apparel Technologies program but my math scores are atrocious so I have to talk to a counselor before I know anything. I hope I get in! Yay using equipment for freeeeeee!

Along with this I am making at least two outfits for the February event!

I am on a probitionary period in the Libertine Asylum. Lets hope I have money for a line after the Sci Fi show.

My parents are going to get High Speed so I can FINALLY make my website now. I might get help from my friend Will. Im going to start making more 'typical', and 'wearable' clothing for that. Also going to sell things on Etsy and Ebay.

I realized Im good at making masks. So I plan on selling those along with my clothing. It takes forever to do but its totally worth it.

After the Sci Fi show I plan on moving in with Trinity so expenses will be tighter but it will be good for me and Ill live closer to everything.

Aside from my designs I plan on making a modeling portfolio as well because Ive heard good feedback so why not right! :D

Thats about it for now...

p.s. if you have any tips suggestions or comments let me know!
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