Sep 25, 2005 20:51
Attitudes are amazing. You can change everything if you want to. I'm being forced to leave all my friends behind, everything I've ever known, I'm probably taking my dad to court, my stingy grandmother's probably going to die shortly, and I'm all tangled up in my own opinions on love. Yet I feel incredible. Because I was like... fuck, I'm going to enjoy this life. I'm going to love every waking minute of my days spent with my friends, surrounded by people who care about me.
And next year, when I'm either in Myers Park or Northwest (if I get my way), I have a hugely incredible opportunity to start over. To be the bombshell that I've always wanted to be. To get the kinks out of my personality.
And I'll keep all the friendships that mean the world to me, and I'll make sure to see my favorite kids ever like every week if possible, and it'll be even better because it'll make the time we do get to see each other more special.
And I sent 3 poems to pendragon in like 5 minutes and I'm really quite nervous about how they'll be taken because a couple of them are very personal and if they're beaten into the ground, I don't know what I'll do and I want to post one, but then the anomynousness (it's a word NOW) factor will be gone but maybe I'll do it anyway.
And I love you all so much and I missed you but I don't think you missed me but it's ok because I'm smiling.