(no subject)

Jul 29, 2008 13:52


So a little while ago, I walked into my bathroom to use the facilities. Now, I have a very nice bathroom - a full bathroom, sink, vanity, toilet, bathtub/shower.

I'm supposed to share it with one other person, but the room I share with is currently vacant, so I'm the only person supposed to be using it. We have a maid service, but it is seriously subpar (like, doesn't actually do anything cleaning-related at all, somehow), so I clean it. When I have a roommate, we have schedules; otherwise, I clean it myself weekly.

Just because it is legally/lease-relatedly only mine, there's nothing except honor, respect, and decent-person-ness keeping other people from going in it. But I've (and other people re: their own bathrooms) never had problems, so I keep all my stuff in there, my towels, my shower supplies, etc.

Lately I've noticed little bitty things weird - the shower curtain is moved, my orangewood stick for my cuticles disappeared out of the shower, the level on my shampoo is different, shower things were arranged differently (I'm a little OCD, okay, so I do notice). But whatever. I shook it off and assumed I was being ridiculous.

So anyway: I walk in. AND. There is water all over the floor. The shower curtain (which I draw entirely so it can air out) is bunched up and outside the tub. All the caps on my things are open and rearranged. My Lush sea salt (which was a gift and I NEVER use - I should have had a full tub, but I haven't looked in a while) was empty and on its side. My RAZOR WAS CLEARLY USED BY SOMEONE WITH DIFFERENT HAIR COLOR THAN ME. ON THEIR YOU KNOW WHAT.


Okay, so the puke thing. This has actually happened before. There's a girl in my suite who's unabashedly bulimic. She pukes in her own toilet, tub, sink. This was a major problem when she had two other girls using the bathroom, but one of them moved out, and the other switched rooms (and therefore bathroom assignments). So the Puke Queen has her very own bathroom to destroy!

According to my detective work, this is not enough. Since her bathroom is truly awful (I peeked in after my detective work), it is too gross for her to shower in, so she showers in mine. Apparently she likes my taste in products, too. APPARENTLY HER BATHROOM IS TOO GROSS TO EVEN PUKE IN, NOW.

I cleaned it entirely, removed all my belonging, posted an extremely nasty and firm note on my mirror with regards to theft, breaking lease agreements, and general human awfulness, and complained to the super. I don't know what else to do and I don't know how to make myself feel better, either.

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