oh settle down

Jul 08, 2007 10:40

last night i went out to the shamrock for e.a. henson's birthday. it was a good time. i had a couple of beers and we talked about a lot of inappropriate things. always fun. after the shamrock i was supposed to pick up nathan from the emerald ballroom and go to some party at 26 and van dyke or something. i guess the party was broken up by the cops. it was probably better that it was broken up because i would have been at that party all night. instead, i drank for free and got nathan's tab cut in half because i knew the bartender i guess. awesome. nate was being a bad boy that night. i can't go into details, but it was hilarious.

after dropping nate off at his house i thought it would be a good idea to eat a ton of mcdonalds. i need to remind myself that it's not a good idea. now i just feel sluggish and gross.

i didn't end up sleeping because i would have missed the important 9am friday's work meeting. i could never understand why managers find it impairitive to have everybody there at 9am when they know they're going to be drinking all night and most of them won't show up.

tomorrow i think i'm going to be seeing transformers. i don't care if it's by myself or with somebody else, but i'm going to see it. i've heard that it's actually a decent movie. i also still have to see spiderman 3 and the new fantastic 4 movie. after that i have to watch my siblings for a bit and then it's off to lilly's. i actually might get to hang with this girl i met. nice girl for once.

when applying for a job, it's really important to remember to take the picture of your testicles off of your social networking site...oh fark you slay me.

also, i love this...if i was famous, i would definitely have somebody proof read everything before i posted it or sent it into a paper. awesome role model.

this just in!!!
spinal tap has reunited for the live earth concerts!!

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if you don't know who spinal tap is...here's a little sample. you can also buy the movie "this is spinal tap."

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