fame, fame, fame, fame

Jun 15, 2007 13:25

so today was my "d-day." i had my owi trial date this morning in detroit. it was dismissed. normally that would make anybody very happy, but my cop that was supposed to show up was killed in the line of duty. that's kind of a bummer because he was actually really cool with me. it's a little weird also, because he told me that night that he wouldn't show up to the trial date. eerie. now it's like it was all a bad dream.

moving on...

last night i went down to gusoline alley with megan and kasey just to meet up for a beer. i ended up getting 2 free packs of smokes from camel. awesome. after gusoline, megan and i stopped off at jamboozies to play some darts. that was pretty much it.

wednesday night i was asked by kasey to follow him from 12 and crooks to chicago and mound to a mechanic because his alternator belt broke and he couldn't loosen the bolts to do it himself. so we get up to 12 1/2 and mound and the car's battery finally calls it quits. i gave him a jump but it only lasted for a little bit. we had to time how long the light would take to change and then pack up the jumper cables within 30 seconds and tear ass down mound to get there so the charge would last. i can't believe we made it. after helping kasey, i went to skorz for a beer. that place was really weird. there was a vibe when i walked in that made me feel like nothing in there was real. some big goober named 8-ball was there and decided it was a good idea to start breaking glasses and smashed some on the floor. i agree with jon when he said that the place needs bouncers. also, i now have genevieve calling me and texting me all the time telling me how we'd be the perfect couple and how she wants to move our "relationship" forward. wow. didn't know i was dating her.

i haven't really been hanging out too much lately because of work. i've been working an average of 55-60 hours per week and then i just want to drink at the cheapest place possible. also, i start at beaumont hospital on july 2nd. so if you think i never hang out, it'll only get worse because of 2 jobs and school coming up. normally i'd be bummed because i want to go out and do stuff, but fuck it...most of the people i know don't do much now anyway, so i might as well make money.

i went and saw pirates of the caribbean 3 a few days ago. good movie. pretty dark for a disney movie.

this past tuesday, megan and crew came out to jamboozies for her birthday and man did i get her ripped. i guess she ended up puking that night or morning or something. happy birthday anyway.

tonight will probably be a 40oz weekend night. 40oz weekends are a new thing jon and i decided to do. no going to the bar on friday's or saturday's because it's just too damn expensive, so we'll just watch a movie, find a party, or play some raiden 3 and drink a few 40's.

damn, i love these fucking games. poor graphics, but it's still a classic arcade game.

my parent's are going out of town next weekend and that means i'll be home alone. finally...some peace and quiet. maybe i'll kick on the grill and bbq or something. i'll definitely have to have a movie night or go swimming at night. something will happen.

also, there needs to be a big party this summer because so far...this summer sucks a fat dick.

june 24th

location - jamboozies (18 1/2 and van dyke)

it's aarons birthday and you should show up. from 8pm to 10pm you get free pizza, wings, and salad. also, there's karaoke and cheap beer specials. it's on a sunday, but you should come anyway.

time to get ready for work.

i turned on the tv today and caught the final good-bye that bob barker did on the price is right. i forgot today was his final broadcast as host. so much for barkers beauties.

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