Jan 24, 2013 07:28
Of course, being me, it would be weirder to wake up 'normal', I would think. :) Since facebook started letting us post longer status entries, I've stopped updating my journal. That's bad, because FB does *not* let me go over my history like this does. It's great for social communication, but I started *this* journal more as a real journal than as a social network...I merely used the social networking effect to get me to keep up the journal more often than I had previous iterations.
However, I really do need to be able to go back and read over how things have changed in my head over time, so I'm going to try to post here at least once a week from now on. 'Try' being the operative term, but we'll see how it works out.
To start with, I'll just copy the status update I just posted to FB for now:
I'm not sure what I was dreaming that caused it, but I woke up this morning feeling utterly exhausted, and I honestly thought that I had hit the snooze button *multiple* times. My snooze lasts for 9 minutes, and I was pretty sure I'd snuffed my alarm for nearly an hour. I was disappointed in myself because I'm trying to move my wake-up time back from between 6:30-7 (my alarm had been set for 6:30 before this week) to 6am so I can exercise in the mornings. I knew I hadn't scheduled myself to exercise *this* morning, so I was only getting up to help set my bio clock, and so I was mad at myself that I'd slept in anyway.
Dragged myself into the bathroom, and as I was coming back to get my clothes for the day it dawned on me that it wasn't light enough out for it to be nearly 7. I looked at the clock again. 6:10. I'd only hit snooze ONCE. WTF?
Yay for me for getting up like I wanted to, but that was really discombobulating!
(Side note: that's such a fun word, discombobulate!! I totally thought it was slang, and it was originally, but it's been around since 1825 or so, so it's completely a real word. It was originally discombobricate, though, isn't that funny? How cool!)