The Deepest Post You Will Ever Read. Period.

Mar 06, 2006 21:02

   First let me start out by saying that once you begin reading this, you are then obligated to read the rest; whether you be compelled to or guided by your laws of conscience.

Welcome to the instance.  The one moment in time in which we reside.  The Holy Moment.  Let's imagine that for a brief second, one could break the present, that is to say, the moment we are in.  As a normal person cannot break this moment they have no idea what it would be like anywhere else, and therefore have no opinions of the outside.  But once opinions are formed, we can think outside the box.

I can safely say that everybody reading this dreams.  We all dream.  It doesn't matter what it is about, we dream.  Let's form an idea.  A dream is made in your sleep when you have no control of your body.  The only active organs are your heart, lungs, and brain.  Let us also conclude that your brain performs simple operations like thinking, and telling your body which way to move your arm.  So when you are dreaming, your brain is controlling.  Why do none of us seem to control our dreams then?  We have perfect control in the Waking Life. (The time we spend awake.)

There is a drastic difference between a Waking Second and a Dream Second.  A moment in Waking Life could be an eternity in Dream Life.  It's like when you fall asleep at 10:23 and have the most elaborate dream of your life.  You wake up.  It is 10:24.
    They say that after your body shuts down (death), your brain will still conduct activity for 6-12 minutes.  I am looking forward to my 6-12 minutes of eternity.

What is he talking about?

Simple really.  Everything is connected.  Dream is destiny.

Ever had a dream come true?
There you go.

We are stuck in the Holy Moment.  Jesus Christ is slated to return to Earth at some point, but it's as if something doesn't want us to move forward.  We are forever in the present.  We are not in the future, nor are we in the past.  We are stuck in one spot.  Never moving forward.  We continue to say "No, thank you." to the end.  And death.
Death is when we say "Yes, please."

Only with death do we exit the present into another world.

The question is, with death, are we eternally sleeping, or have we just awoken?
    Lucidity is the power to control one's dreams.  With lucidity, your brain can determine what happens.  Agree that in every day life, your brain will control what happens.  This makes dreaming and reality:
The same thing.

So what has become of free will?  If our brain controls what we do, are we not just set on a course.  Like God's wind up toys, we just go and go until one day, we stop.  Only to realize we have walked in a straight line, very slowly.  And gotten nowhere in the scheme of things.
To break the barrier, one must understand that you cannot.  You can't break the barrier between reality and dreams.  They are the same.  There is no barrier between exacts.  Dreaming is alternate-reality.  A perfect reality that is determined by you.  They only perfect place we know of is


Dreaming is heaven.
   We can't experience heaven fully until we are dead.  We fall into death.  Where no organs are functioning.  Only our soul.  And our soul is what dictates what our heaven will be.  Because heaven is not a place.  It is a state of mind.  The ultimate peace.  The ultimate reality affected only by you.
Like a dream.

We consider dreaming the opposite of reality, when they are essentially the same thing.  In a dream, dreaming is reality.  Making reality (the opposite of a dream) a dream.  That's a lot to swallow.  Let's take this step by step.

1. The opposite of reality is a dream.
2. This makes the opposite of Dreaming a reality.
3. In a dream, wouldn't reality be a dream to you?
4. In a dream, reality is the opposite.
5. Reality in Waking Life is the opposite of Reality in Dream Life.
6. They are their own opposites.
7. If you combine Dream Life and Waking Life, you get two pairs of Realities and Dreams.
8. They can either be exact opposites, or the same thing.
9. By saying, "No, thank you." (living) you are assuming that they are the opposite, you will not accept death. You are a realist.
10. By saying, "Yes, please." (dying) you say they are the same, and you become one with reality and dreams.  You awaken from your dream of life, into heaven.  The ultimate reality.  And in reality, dreams are the opposite.  If you are in a reality, you are not in a dream, therefore you are awake.

Death is not departure.

Death is just the beginning of your life.
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