Here's your FO banner, I'm waiting for an e-mail reply to code the layout :)
Just a few updates...
I will be checking the userinfo pages of those who have requested more than one avatar, and if you don't have the linked banner you will be banned from requesting. I'll be doing this check tommorow to give those who didn't know a chance to put the banner up. I'm not doing this to be mean, I just have the banner rule to promote the community and to keep people from excessive requesting without helping out in some way. If you didn't know about the banner rule, go to this post to get the code and such:
http://www.livejournal.com/users/irony_icons/792.html I do feel really bad banning people, so just use the banner. And remember, you only need it if you request more than ONE...
And if for any reason you would rather make a request in private, just e-mail it to me at either bleeding_mascara@hotmail.com or psychopenguin919@aol.com.
You can request on this post. :)