RP log ~ Watari

May 06, 2006 13:01

In which Watari and Mamie do nothing of significant purpose except for some brief cafe-promoting brainstorming, afro-contemplation, and the NPC Duck has a highly philosophical conversation about pants.

Mamie: *is drawing little stick figures in the flour on the countertop*

Watari: All out of cooking ideas?

Mamie: Eh? *turns around, hastily wiping the flour clean* What's that?

Watari: I suppose I'm not needed today?

Mamie: *dangerous glint in her eye~* Ohhh, I wouldn't say that~ I've got plenty you could do.

Watari: .....Okay, shoot.

Mamie: I need some more money-raisin' ideas. Last week's contest was a big success, but I need sumthin' new.

Watari: ...How about a gingerbead house contest? Or building things out of food?

Mamie: Gingerbread is kind of wintery...but buildin' things...hm.... *looks over at him and raises an eyebrow* It could be messy, you know.

Watari: All things must be edible, they have a time limit, and depending on division, food limit. *shrugs*

Mamie: *thoughtful grin* I like th'sound of that. 'Course, if Ma'am Nanami enters, that edible rule might be bent. >>

Watari: She will have to use things AS THEY ARE, such as fruits and nuts. She MAY NOT cook ANYTHING.

Mamie: *snerks* Do I sense some fear~?

Watari: Have you SEEN what that woman cooks up?

Mamie: >__> I've had to clean up after it, so you tell me.

Watari: My point exactly.

Mamie: *shrugs* Maybe I'll have her judge then. That oughta make for interestin' results.

Watari: Hehe, indeed.

Mamie: o.O; ...Did you just...."hehe"?

Watari: Did I?

Mamie: Did'ja?

Watari: Did I?

Mamie: I asked first.

Watari: *shrugs*

Mamie: *facefault*
Mamie: You're a reallllll peach, you know that?

Watari: Yes. *smirks*

Mamie: >__> So this chick of yours in Vinay, can she cook? *smirks back*

Watari: MY WHAT? >> You know very well I am with Gremio.

Mamie: *SMIRK* Wellll, all those adventurous escapades to Vinay....~

Watari: Does the word NINJA not register in your head? Beleive it or not, I do get jobs. >>

Mamie: *mock gasp* You would look for work, even when you're being paid more than any o'my other employees? *feigns the feminine-act*

Watari: Uh, duh. *rolls eye* See, the people that hire me outside of this job pay LOTS more than you.

Mamie: >__> If I remember correctly, you were th'one who charged th'poor castle master like a zillion potch when 
he went recruitin' in Iksay.

Watari: 10,000 to be exact and yes, I did. Usually, that's my down payment, but I decided to let it be the full price because it was war time.

Mamie: Aw, aren't you a sweetie pie.

Watari: Money is money.

Mamie: Hm. *folds her arms* Guess you're right about that. But maybe I'm going to have to start payin' you more if I dun' want to lose you.

Watari: We can negotiate that out, I'm sure.

Mamie: >__> Jeez, you really dun' have a heart, do you? *shrugs indifferently* Welp, business right now is better than before, an' it'll just keep gettin' better...unless...

Watari: ?

Mamie: If Ma'am Viki starts sendin' people back, I'm gonna lose more than half o'my customers.

Watari: That coniving little witch? I highly doubt she'll do it.

Mamie: *taken aback* That's pretty harsh comin' from you, mister I-speak-in-ellipses-usually.

Watari: *shrugs* I don't like her.

Mamie: I can see that. ¬¬; I can also see her reasonin', but like you said, money is money. I'll be hurtin' when everyone is gone.

Watari: Her reason is askew, and with so many set against her, I don't think she'll acomplish this feat.

Mamie: *shrugs* Can't discredit her for tryin' though. But you're right, even if she does do sumthin', it won't be for a long time, right?

Watari: I doubt it.

Mamie: ....*picks up a tangerine off the counter and chucks it at him for no reason*

Watari: *catches it and begins peeling and eating it* Arigatou.

Mamie: ...At least your reflexes haven't gotten rusty. >>;

Watari: Of course not.

Mamie: *sits lazily forward on the stool and swings her feet* I'm gonna hafta face Albert in that stupid cook-off 

Watari: Hmmm..

Mamie: >___> You're not rootin' for him, are you?

Watari: No, of course not.

Mamie: Hm. ....

Watari: What?

Mamie: Just wonderin' what you'd look like with an afro.

Watari: ......What?

Mamie: ~

Watari: You need to get out of the kitchen more.

Mamie: No I dun'. There you go again with. >>

Watari: When you start thinking of me with an afro, you need to get out.

Mamie: Pshaw, you're just bein' silly now, Mister Watari.

Watari: Since when do I make jokes?

Mamie: Since when d'you "hehe"?

Watari: Since when did you think I had an afro?

Mamie: I never said you had one. I was just imaginin' one.

Watari: Same difference.

Mamie: You're no fun. An afro would do you a world o'good.

Watari: At what point did you think an afro would do me good?

Mamie: Oh. Say about ten minutes ago.

Watari: *throws mango peel at her*

Mamie: *gets hit in the face* x_O

Watari: *mockingly* HEHE

Mamie: *scowl*

Watari: *grin*

Mamie: Maybe an afro wouldn't be such a good idea after all. ¬¬ *tosses the peel into the garbage bin* Bald 
might suit you better.

Watari: Naw. Looking like you wouldn't so great.

Mamie: aksgjsalgjWHATTHEHELL?! *chucks a spatula at him* I have hair, you ass!!

Watari: *dodge* Well, no one can tell with that hat you never take off.

Mamie: I took my hat off for you last time you mooched around here. If I want t'keep my food clean when I cook, 
th'hat stays on.

Watari: That's a hair net that does that, not a hat.

Mamie: Same difference.

Watari: *triumph*

Mamie: I'll tell you what. Next time I'll go without my hat, okay? >_> Since you're so against it.

Watari: *triumph yet again*

Mamie: *annoyed with Watari's hight pwnage score* *tosses another tangerine at his face*

Watari: *holds up a frying pan and his splatters, spilling juice on Mamie*

Mamie: ~____~ ....*soiled and stained. Yuck!*

Watari: *takes out a little notebook and makes a mark and puts it back and folds his hands on his knee, 
watching her casually*

Mamie: Ugh....I told you that you were a real peach, didn't I? *takes off her kerchief and wrings out an orange 
puddle of tangerine juices*

Watari: Yes, but maybe tangerine is more appropiate?

Mamie: *grrscowl* This is gonna take forever t'come clean.

Watari: Lemon juice and clorox.

Mamie: What th'hell is clorox?

Duck: *waddles up with a big white and blue jug dubbed 'Clorox'*

Mamie: *looks at him funny* ...I dun' trust that void-imported crap. 'Specially not with my laundry.

Watari: It makes your whites whiter.

Mamie: >___> Since it looks like I'm orange, does that mean I'll be more orange?

Watari: No, it removes stains with oxygen fighting power.

Mamie: >_> We breathe oxygen, so why fight it? Is this some sorta ninja thing?

Watari: I have no idea, it's just how the chemical works.

Mamie: Weird ninja chemicals.

Watari: *thumbs up*

Mamie: *facepalm*

Watari: *wins*

Duck: Shall I clean them for you, Miss?

Mamie: Eh? *looks down* >///> I'll keep my clothes on, thankyouverymuch.

Duck: Very well. Drop them by the ice box when your face has stopped glowing. *waddles off*

Mamie: *scowls for the third time* At least I have some decency, unlike certain ducks who walk around without 

Duck: Miss, ducks do not NEED pants.

Mamie: >___> Really now? How quaint.

Duck: They do, in fact, hinder our ability to walk.

Mamie: Fascinating. *rolls her eyes*

Duck: And also make it hard to preen, which he ducks need to do daily. Also, pants get wet where as our feathers do not. Pants are cumbersome.

Mamie: .....I feel like there's some hidden message in this conversation, but all th'stupidity is stifling it.

Duck: Stupidity, or intelect beyond your capability to comprehend?

Mamie: I can comprehend the pros and cons of pants just fine.

Duck: But only from your view, not mine.

Mamie: I dun' need to view anyone's pants from any other views, do I?

Duck: Well, depends.

Mamie: ......
Mamie: *doesn't know whether or not the duck deserves a fwap*

Duck: *knows Duck KungFu*

Mamie: *has no idea, but doesn't like where this pant conversation is going*

Watari: *reading a magazine in a corner*

Mamie: ....*glances over* Hope you're enjoyin' your porn, Mister Watari. ¬¬

Watari: It is Iron Chef thanks, one of yours from the stack.

Mamie: ....... *PWNED AGAINNNNN*

Watari: Or do you want me to tell the castle you're keeping porn here?

Mamie: askgjgjkI'M NOT.

Watari: *keeps reading*
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