yo yo oy

May 13, 2010 23:38

It's been a while again.

I should have looked over what I last wrote...ooops....oh well.  Let's see, things going on/changed in a month:

Meghaan celebrated another year in style with wine and fine food, of course...cause that's how she rolls.

I gave Meghaan a ring that symbolizes how I feel about our relationship even though I see rings as a symbol of ownership...but apparently Meghaan is into to being owned, cause she loves it and has decided that next year, on our 10th anniversary, she is making me...I mean, we are going to happily profess our commitment to each in front of other people, perhaps 2 to 3 times, depending on how things shake out.  yay!

We are working hard at eating healthier and getting more exercise in general.  Less eating at restaurants, more making food at home.  That means I get to flesh out my roll as housewife a little more by making dinners and having them piping hot and ready to go by the time Meghaan comes home from whatever she is doing (gym, meetings, drinks with coworkers)...Mad Men has been inspiring...Sike!  Mad Men teaches us all the things we should NOT be doing in the "one person works, the other person takes care of the house" situation.  Also, I got to say, every time we watch Mad Men, it is hard not to go and make myself a cocktail in the kitchen...we usually end up doing just that.  glad I am not a teenager with control issues or I would be chain smoking and killing bottles of scotch off every two days...and sleeping with every "free spirit" I met...oh wait, meghaan would be doing all that.  I would be going all neurotic, falling for 9 year old boys, making dinner from "cream" soups from Campbells and smoking and drinking while pregnant.  hurray for the 60's!

Meghaan's sister is graduating from Kenyon College this month and we are attending.  I first knew her when she was 13.  Awwww!  It will be really trippy when the little one graduates college.  He's going to be 14 this year I have known him since he was 4.  Still 8 years away, but they say the older you get, the fast time passes, so we shall see.

I was trying to think of what to get my dad for upcoming Father's day when I realized he is going to be in Israel with my mom.  Hm...puts a damper on things.  I could send a card, but it would get there a week later or something, almost not worth it.  I was going to give him a phonecall and tell my sister to hang out with him, but that won't fly either.  I really doubt they are technologically advanced enough to understand gtalk, gvideo or skype, which would be totally convenient for me.  Come to think of it, I don't even know if they have cameras in their computers....My mom has a gmail account though, but she is the worse one at technology.  hm.

I only have 100 pages to go in LOTR.  And! even though I feel like I am sprinting towards the finish line on this book, I realize that it still takes me 2 days to read 1 page.  It is hella dense, yo!  I think the only reason I have kept with it, is because I know I don't have a deadline to finish it and I am pretty good about reading 1/2-1 page a night before going to sleep.  Sometimes I might even read up to 5 pages!  But my attention span sort of collapses after that.  In the same time as reading this book that I started last fall, I have completed about 5 books of similar size.  they are a lot flufflier though.  More dialogue, more action, less biblical-style adjective-izing the situation and epitaph-ing everything like in LOTR.  Once I am done with that one, I think I will turn my sights on Grapes of Wrath.  I am trying to read through all the books we have on our shelves that aren't  textbooks.  The trick is...not to buy more books.  This is the most difficult part of my goal. hm.

I am full from our thai red curry soup I made for dinner, but I keep thinking about this mac and cheese we had last weekend at a restaurant called Home.  I want it bad.  I think they must have laced it with crack or something, because I have sort of been waking up and going to sleep with the image of the crock of mac and cheese with my fork digging into it every day...want it.  bad. crock....

and on that note!

abrupt goodbye!
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