
Nov 18, 2008 09:29

/rant on
So I have my second assignments for my night corses due in two weeks.  Only I can't start them because I can't get the databases we're suppose to access.   The instructor couldn't be bothered providing them for us and I know shit all about databases.  He said we could use Access but it would be better to install SQL Server Express since all the examples in our books are for SQLServer.  Fine... good advice.   Only I don't have the first clue how to set up a SQL Server.  He claims a working knowledge of SQL server was a pre-req for the course... news to me it wasn't in the calandar and even a working knowledge does not imply setting it up for the first time.

So I have it all installed.  But it doesn't work.  I've used SQL Server maybe twice in my life... but not 2005 (and definately not 2008) since I've been out of the loop since 2004.  Even if I can get it working I'm not sure I can actually make the very simple data base I need given that before he told us to use SQL Sever instead of Access I tried to make on in Access and failed.

The instructor isn't a bad teacher... but he's either extreamly lazy or way over worked.  We have exactly the same assingments in both courses.  And last nights lab test 2 for C# was exactly the same challenge as lab test #1 for VB.  I can't wait until tomorrow night to see if I get lab test #1 for C# as lab test #2 in VB.

Now I will admite, I'm the only student in both classes but they aren't anti-requists.  And it wouldn't have taken much to make the two challenges a little different.

Oh and the VB lab test was delayed by two weeks and the C# lab test by one week, each week he just casually mentioned at the begining of class that he was putting it off to the next week as if it was something he'd actually announce the week before but he didn't.  Then he had the balls to berate the class for coming in while sick when we'd all thought we had a test that week.  Perhape if they'd known there was no test they'd have stayed in bed and gotten well.

Bah!  So instead of working on my assignment and actually learning what I paid to learn I get to spend a third day trying to get database software I know nothing about to do something useful.

/rant off.
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