Thu, 14:39: RT @ AndyFGopher: “Hey my girlfriend saw you from across the gym and we really dig your vibe. Can we buy you a Gatorade after cheer practice…
Thu, 16:36: Ehem... Doesn't matter if George Floyd had pre-existing conditions. Every single direct contact department, besides cops, are trained to respond as if every single person they interact with, has pre-existing health issues. That's called accountability and forethought
Thu, 19:59: Let me be clear about this Peirce /Thurston County Sheriff issue. As a resident, it's not our job to believe them. It's their job to be trustworthy. We don't trust departments that participate in kill squads and lie about casings and missing bullets
Fri, 03:10: RT @ QuinnLeone4: If I drink 5 Martinis and someone kneels on my neck for 9 minutes and I die. The cause of death is not the Martinis.