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Jan 13, 2017 11:13

Почему на английском? Ну вот такие они у меня в Тумблере.

I’m a romantic, and we romantics are more sensitive to the way people feel. We love more, and we hurt more. When we’re hurt, we hurt for a long time.
- Freddy Fender

To imagine - to dream about things that have not happened - is among mankind’s deepest needs.
- Milan Kundera, The Unbearable Lightness of Being

If you don’t have a friend who’s a painter, you’re in trouble.
- Morton Feldman, composer

A mind all logic is like a knife all blade. It makes the hand bleed that uses it.
- Rabindranath Tagore

Don’t you get lonely?’

‘Lonely? Not at all. Solitude is the greatest of luxuries,’ she says
- Yohji Yamamoto

"almost" is the feeling
that yet has no name
- Beatrijs Van Craenenbroeck

Being must be felt. It can’t be thought.
- Eckhart Tolle

If you ever ask me
how many times you’ve crossed my mind,
I would say once.
Because you came,
and never left.
- Ritu Ghatourey

- (noun) An obsolete word, eleutheromania is defined as an intense and irresistible desire for freedom.

The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.
- W.B. Yeats

The best people possess a feeling for beauty, the courage to take risks, the discipline to tell the truth, the capacity for sacrifice. Ironically, their virtues make them vulnerable; they are often wounded, sometimes destroyed.
- Ernest Hemingway

She wanted to say I love you like a thunderstorm, like a lion, like a helpless rage…
- Ken Follett, The Pillars of the Earth

She was a stranger in her own life, a tourist in her own body.
- Melissa de la Cruz, The Van Alen Legacy

Some of the greatest battles will be fought within the silent chambers of your own soul.
- Ezra Taft Benson

I am made and remade continually. Different people draw different words from me.
- Virginia Woolf

Energy, like you, has no beginning and no end. It can never be destroyed. It is only ever shifting states.
- Panache Desai

My love, take these walls, these wars.
Dull my blades. I am tired of the hunt.

I’ve laid my only words at your feet. Open for me.
I want to know, be known. Want and be wanted.
- Jeanann Verlee, from “Your Mouth Is a Church, I Forgot How to Pray,”

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