Sep 29, 2007 18:43
So the last couple days I've been hearing on the news about the "Jena6". I had only caught the tail end of interviews and segments of Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, or crowds of people saying free the Jena6. Today I decided to research it a little bit and I'm a bit pissed off.
Apparently it all started with a stupid racist prank some white kids did and instead of getting expelled they were suspended for three days which in itself is a load of shit. They hung nooses in a tree, not only is that racist but thats threatening, it's not a "boyish prank" it's bullshit that should get your ass expelled for being a freaking retard.
That leads us to the Jena 6 situation so I'll just copy and paste the bit about what happened:
"The 'Jena 6' attack took place on 4 December 2006 at the high school. During a fight that broke out in the lunchroom between a white student and a black student, the white student was hit from behind, knocked out, then set upon by other black students who proceeded to kick and stomp on his 'lifeless' body as he lay unconscious on the floor. The victim, Justin Barker, spent three hours in an emergency room being treated for injuries to his head and face."
Now why in the fuck should assholes be protesting to let them go? They committed a hate crime and could have EASILY killed him or crippled him. Six people stomping and kicking someone that is unconscious can do massive permanent damage. So just because he was in the ER for three hours instead of going into a coma it was OK for them to do that? If I had a gun and tried to shoot you in the head but just grazed your should it would still be attempted murder even though I missed, they aren't going to say "It's just a flesh wound so Adam can go free."
If six white kids beat on a black kid like that those people would be screaming for vindication and saying it was a hate crime. It's a two was street, a bunch of black kids beating on a white kid is just as much of a hate crime as a bunch of white kids beating on a black kid. So are they trying to say white people can't be victims of hate crimes and the hate part is only reserved for minorities? That is really messed up if that is the case. I'm also a little pissed off that just because if another person is black Jackson, Sharpton, and the NAACP will back him regardless of what he does. When Timothy McVeigh was getting charged I didn't stand beind him and say free McVeigh? I'm not supporting those retarded kids that hung the nooses up in the first place, I already said they should have gotten expelled because suspension is a joke. Why in the hell would I back someone that did something illegal and wrong just because they have the same skin color that I do?
Am I just completely missing the point here or what? Does anyone else think that Martin Luther King Jr. would turn over in his grave over this? He said "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character." Content of character is the main point here: six people beating on a helpless individual. Six on one is bullshit enough, but when the person has been knocked out and can't even try to protect him self; how can anyone defend that?