Apr 27, 2007 12:54
The Chairman and Chairwoman shared some Adventures in Finance last night, when we spoke to my financial advisor (probably a good idea to start now, since our finances will change a bit once we get married.)
Actually, we weren't the only ones there. He's the financial advisor for my mom as well as my sister and brother-in-law. So we got to visit with them as well as my new nephew. (The Chairnephew? The Chairmom? Chairsister? Nah... that all sounds too weird... "IRON NEPHEW" makes more sense!)
Anyway, it's always fun to focus on the root of all evil. What are the IRON POETS thoughts on money? Do you blow it all on lottery tickets and/or RPG books? Are you saving for a rainy day (in fact, it's raining now in Massachusetts) or do you have a Clever Plan to get rich some day? Bonus points if your plan involves poetry in some way! Extra bonus points if you plan involves making the Chairman rich as well!