I'm really hoping it's not that time again

Nov 06, 2007 00:31

My family has been in this country for rather a while. I had 17 ancestors in the American Revolutionary War. While American history has never been my preferred area of research, I've done a certain amount of reading in the area. And it wasn't fun while it was going on. Definitely something you don't start on a whim, or because of momentary political reverses. But I'm getting increasingly worried that 200 or so years is about as long as a system can last without a reboot.

I guess coming up on Election Day made me think about it a bit more than usual. A fairly short article nastily tied together a number of the trends that have, over time, made me wonder when I and every other truly patriotic American is going to have to actively remember the oath to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic" that most of us took when we did our military service. And maybe apply it in a way that won't be appreciated in the "halls of power"

My [fading] hope is that Congress will realize that if it doesn't seriously initiate the impeachment process, then it may be too late to prevent its becoming a mere appendage to an imperial presidency. After all, we've already shown the world how NOT to handle a regime change, let's try to give them an example of how to do it right. And if such an attempt were to be opposed with force, then maybe it's time to refresh that tree of liberty again.
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